

The Students’ Perception Of The Teacher’s Tasks And Their Accomplishment In The Speaking Class

Oleh :
Isnaini Nur Safitri - S891208021 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

The objectives of this study are to explore the ways of the teacher gives tasks to the students, the ways of the students in perceiving the tasks from the teacher, and the ways the students accomplish the tasks in the speaking class. Through conducting this research, the researcher tries to seek and discover whether the clarity of the teacher in delivering the tasks influences the students in understanding and accomplishing the tasks. This research was carried out through a case study. It was conducted towards one native speaker of English teacher and thirteen college students in English Education Department of Ahmad Dahlan University from November to December 2013. The data of this study were qualitative in nature. The data were obtained by interviewing the English teacher and the college students, observing the teaching and learning process in the public speaking class, and collecting the documents from the teacher. The data were in the forms of interview transcripts, field notes, and documents. Then, grounded theory was used to analyse the data. The findings of this research show that (1) the teacher has delivered the tasks through spoken and written ways clearly using English two up to three times; (2) the students understand the tasks from the teacher by listening spoken instruction and get deep understanding by reading written instructions on the handout; (3) the students accomplish the tasks from the teacher by following both spoken and written instruction either individually or in group. From the findings, the researcher shapes three propositions of this study. They are (1) the teacher believes that he has delivered the tasks optimally, but not all the students are able to understand the tasks because of the students’ lack of concentration, their background condition, their lack of confidence, their lack of English knowledge, the teacher’s pronunciation, and the noise of the class; (2) The students’ perception of tasks given by the teacher is changeable because of the influence of other students; (3) The students’ perception of the tasks given by the teacher is not fully reflected in their accomplishment and achievement of the tasks because of the students’ understanding on the instruction itself, motivation, vocabulary, less attention to the teacher’s explanation, lack of confidence, mood, detail criteria given by the teacher, the students’ feeling of duty, and disturbance from others. Hence, it is said that the clarity of the teacher in delivering tasks can influence the students in understanding and accomplishing the tasks. Therefore, considering the clarity in delivering tasks is important for the teacher.