Communication channels in favehotel adisucipto and favehotel solo baru
Oleh :
Faisal Agata Ardiarta - C9310026 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project is written based on job training done at Favehotel Adisucipto and Favehotel Solo Baru for three months in Marketing and Sales Department. I did some jobs along with the Public Relations Officer of Favehotel Adisucipto and Favehotel Solo Baru by helping her making press release, attending events, meeting journalists, writing response in internet, etc.
The aims of present study are to evaluate communication channels, especially internet communication in Favehotel Adisucipto and Favehotel Solo Baru and to propose improvement in the existing communication channel (internet) in these hotels. Internet as one of communication channels is effective because the purpose of using official website, Agoda, Tripadvisor and email has been achieved.
Thus, I propose improvement to make the use of internet more effective. The proposals are using communicative languages to respond to the comments and reviews from guests via email or websites, being active in responding all of the reviews form guests via email and websites from the guests, providing computer to access Tripadvisor or Agoda, updating the information in the official hotel website and Tripadvisor or Agoda to spread information and news about both hotels, and designing attractive website layout.
Hopefully, this final project report can be a reference for the Public Relations Officer of Favehotel Adisucipto and Favehotel Solo Baru to make the existing communication channels more effective.