
The Function of Guest Relation Officer in Front Office Department as Public Relation Officer in Novotel Hotel Solo.

Oleh :
Stephani Sulistyo Putri D - - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

The Function of Guest Relation Officer in Front Office Department as Public Relation Officer in Novotel Hotel Solo. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. This final project report is based on the job training in Novotel Hotel Solo which was done from January 22nd 2007 until April 31st 2007. This report discusses work mechanism of Guest relation Officer in Front Office Department. The objectives of this final project are to identify the work mechanism of Guest Relation Officer and the function of Guest Relation Officer as public relation in Novotel Hotel Solo. In conclusion, Guest Relation Officer has work mechanism to make relation with the guest by introducing hotel facilities, presentation and pricing and also handling objection. Beside making relation with the guest, Guest Relation Officer must know the background knowledge about the facilities and public area in Novotel Hotel Solo to give the clear information to the guest. It is also necessary to improve the background knowledge around Solo city about traditional snack originally from Solo and attractive place for leisure, etc.