
Analisis Produktivitas Dan Beban Kerja Karyawan Bagian Sales Pada Pt. Astra International Tbk Daihatsu Solo Baru Selama Tahun 2013

Oleh :
Khanan - F3511049 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

ABSTRACT ANALYSIS OF EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY AND COST OF SALES DEPARTMENT PT. ASTRA INTERNATIONAL TBK DAIHATSU NEW SOLO DURING THE YEAR 2013 KHANAN F3511049 Currently the company - the company gives special attention to productivity. This can be met if the companies make arrangements to schedule the achievement of the target company as well as possible. Some of the factors that influence that targets can be met or achieved, namely the time factor, labor or labor directly involved in company operations. PT. Astra International Tbk Daihatsu New Solo as a company engaged in the field of car sales distributor, needs to pay attention to the workload given by parusahaan sales employees to achieve optimum productivity. One way that can be used to measure the workload sales employee is using the Work Load Analysis (WLA) and the Work Force Analysis (WFA). This method will provide information on the allocation of human resources employees to complete the existing workload optimally. Based on the results of the calculation of the productivity of the sales department employees of PT. Astra International Tbk Daihatsu New Solo, the highest total productivity department in March and April at 5.89. As for the highest productivity for each level, namely, the level of S1 in February, April, and May at 3, S2 highest productivity levels in January by 5, and S3 for the highest productivity levels in July that is equal to 8.83. While the lowest productivity of the department occurred in August is equal to 4.45, for each level, the lowest productivity S1 in August amounted to 1, S2 level in March, July, and October by 3.5, and for the level of productivity S3 the lowest occurred in August in the amount of 6. Then based on the measurement of the workload on the PT. Astra International Daihatsu New Solo using the Work Load Analysis (WLA) and the Work Force Analysis (WFA) are known to the average workload for each level of each month that is, to the average level of S1 workload each month that sales of 12 units, the average level of S2 workload of each month 26 cars, and the average level of S3 workload of 27 cars each month. As for the results of the analysis of workforce needs on average each month, namely, to level 4 employee requires S1, S2 level requires 5 employees, and the level of S3 requires 4 employees. So total sales employees required is 13 employees.