An Analysis on the Use of Second Person Addresses in the Movie Entitled “Anna and the King”
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Dwi Rahmayanti - - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
An Analysis on the Use of Second Person Addresses in the Movie Entitled “Anna and the King”
Dwi Rahmayanti1
Drs. Djatmika, M.A2
2007. This research was conducted to describe the use of second person addresses by the characters in the movie “Anna and the King” by considering the social and situational context of the communication. This research was based on the Sociolinguistics approach. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The source of data was the movie “Anna and the King”. The data were the English dialogues that containing second person addresses spoken by the characters in the movie. The researcher used a purposive sampling technique, which the second person addresses in the data was used as the sample. After 44 dialogues were taken, the data were classified based on the position of the characters in the social communication and then subdivided into the kinds of address terms used.
The results of the analysis are as follows:
The use of second person address terms used by the characters in the movie are applied to three categories of social communication related to the main character Anna, namely people higher than Anna, people with equal status to Anna and people lower than Anna. It is found that there are six kinds of second person address terms used by the characters in the movie. They are Title, Title plus Last Name, Title plus Full Name, Multiple Names, Title plus First Name, and Name. The communicative functions of the second person address terms employed by the characters are Title to show formality and respect, to show sociocultural aspect of addresser, and to get the addressee’s attention, Title plus Last Name to raise
1.Mahasiswa jurusan S1 Non Reguler Sastra Inggris dengan NIM
C 1305512
2.Dosen Pembimbing
addressee’s status, and to show respect, Title plus Full Name to introduces the addressee, Multiple Names to underestimate the addressee, to show addressee’s profession and to express endearment toward the addressee, Name to show intimacy toward the addressee, Title plus First Name to greet and shows respect toward addressee, and to show intimacy toward addressee. The social meanings of the second person address terms used by the characters are included in the dimensions of Solidarity/ Social Distance Scale, Power/ Social Status Scale, Formality Scale, and Function Scale. The address terms also show positive politeness and negative politeness related to the participant’s role or setting/ type of interaction.
The use of second person addresses in the movie “Anna and the King” show the participant’s social status background, the communicative functions and the social meanings. The choice of the addresses shows the status of the characters in a community. It brings variation on the use of second person addresses during the communication.
The researcher suggests to explore the Sociolinguistics cases related to a study on the use of the address terms such as first or third person address terms in other certain English-speaking communities’ depicted in many other movies.