Improving Students’ Reading Skill Through Cooperative Learning Method: Student-Teamsachievement- Divisions (Stad) And Team Games Tournament (Tgt)
Oleh :
Riska Alfin Pramita - K2208095 - Fak. KIP
This study aims to find out whether Students Team-Achievement
Division (STAD) and Team Games Tournament (TGT) improve the students’
reading skill and to identify the challenges of the implementation of STAD and
TGT in teaching reading at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Sidorejo in
academic year of 2013/2014.
This classroom action research was conducted from 27th July to 29th
August, 2013 at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Sidorejo. I conducted
one cycle of action research and the cycle consisted of a series of steps, namely:
planning the action, implementing the action, observing the action, and reflecting
the observation result.
The data of the research are collected through observation, interview,
documents, and test. Then, the qualitative data are analyzed by assembling the
data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretations, reporting the
outcomes. The quantitative data are analyzed by comparing the mean scores of
pretest and posttest.
The result of the action indicates that the students’ reading skill improved
as shown in the result of both the observation on the students activity during the
actions and their pre-test and post-test mean scores. The improvement of the
students’ reading skill includes the students are able to: (1) identify main idea, (2)
infer meaning of words, (3) identify inference, (4) identify reference, and (5)
determine specific information about the text. From the reading comprehension
test, the students’ pre-test mean score was 43.77 increasing to 71.01 in the posttest.
Though, there are 4 challenges during the research, they are: (1) the
domination of high achiever students in the group, (2) the need to prepare
different seating arrangement, material, and teaching style in every meeting, (3) It
was difficult to keep students concentration in a long time, and (4) Cooperative
learning are consuming a lot of time.
It can be concluded that teaching reading by cooperative learning,
especially STAD and TGT, could improve the students’ reading skill. It is
important to note that the preparation of appropriate lesson plan and the material
based on the curriculum that make the students attracted is needed. STAD and
TGT could be applied in teaching and learning process. Hopefully, by applying
STAD and TGT the students can achieve the optimum reading comprehension. I
hopes that what I had done will give the English teachers inspiration to conduct
STAD and TGT in their classroom.