
Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian Di Smk Negeri Jumantono

Oleh :
Apriana Ramadhani - M3209009 - Fak. MIPA

ABSTRACT Apriana Ramadhani. 2014. THE WEB-BASED EMPLOYEE INFORMATION SYSTEM IN SMK NEGERI JUMANTONO. Diploma III Informatics Engineering, Mathematic and Sience Faculty, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. Employee Information system at school is a system which manages the data of employee by inputting the data into system and producing output of employee data report. The aim of this project is to create website-based employee information system at SMK Negeri Jumantono. Research methods applied in this final report are onservation and literary method in order to get essential data to support this report. Design phases which were including system design, database, and user inferface. It can be concluded that employee information system has been designedand implemented by certain facilities that include user data processing, personnel data processing, and reports making. So it was expected to br useful for timesaving in employee data searching, updating, and presenting the data simply.