
Job Training Activity Of The New Guides In Mangkunegaran Palace

Oleh :
Septian Eko Nurdianto - C9310070 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT SeptianEkoNurdianto, 2014.Job Training Activity of The New Guides in Mangkunegaran Palace, English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, SebelasMaret University. This final project report is written based on the writer’s experience of his job training fromFebruary 1st to February 28th 2013 as a guide of Mangkunegaran Palace. There is only one objective of this final project report, to describe job training activity for the new guides in Mangkunegaran Palace. The writer explores that there are some activities experienced as the new guide. First, the new guide should listen to the lessons or explanations delivered by the senior guides. After getting the information, the new guides collected more information especially about the history and attractions of the palace and should memorize them within three days. After those phases above were completed, the new guides was asked to escort and to observe the way shown by senior guides when they were handling tourists.In the following days, the head of senior guides decided to let the new guides handle the tourists by themselves without any supervision.