
An analysis of translation techniques and quality of direct speech in the utterances in bilingual children comic entitled “pinocchio”

Oleh :
Paramita Widya Hapsari - C0309050 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

The research focuses on the analysis of techniques and quality of translation of direct speech in the utterances in bilingual children comic entitled Pinocchio. The purposes of this study are to find out the translation techniques and quality of direct speech translation in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability. The research counducts a descriptive-qualitative method. The data were collected by employing a purposive sampling technique. The research was conducted by using content analysis and questionnaire. In the content analysis, the researcher collected the data from bilingual children comic. the total data were 135 data. This research used a close and open-ended questionnaire that was contributed to the raters. The result of the data analysis shows that: 1) The translation techniques used by the translator are 13 techniques, they are: literal translation (88 data); compensation (17 data); transposition (16 data); adaptation (15 data); borrowing (11 data); linguistic compression (8 data); generalization (7 data); established equivalence (4 data); modulation (3 data); particularization (2 data); linguistic amplification (1 datum); calque (1 datum); and reduction (1 datum). 2) The result of the accuracy translation shows that: 115 data (85,19%) are accurate translation and 20 data (14,81%) are less accurate. Meanwhile, relating to the acceptability aspect, the result shows: 96 data (71,11%) are acceptable, 38 data (28,15%) are less acceptable, and 1 datum (0,74%) is not acceptable translation. The result of the readability shows that: 104 data (77,04%) are categorized as readable translation and 31 data (22,96%) are categorized as less readable translation. It can be concluded that the translation techniques used by the translator in the translation quality. It affected the result of the translation quality. It is also found out that translating bilingual children comic should pay attention to the cultural background and language use in the target language.