
Error Analysis On Mispronunciation Of Spoken Language Made By Students At The First Semester Of English Department Of Sebelas Maret University In The Academic Year 2013/2014

Oleh :
Hidayah Rohmah - K2208035 - Fak. KIP

ABSTRACT Hidayah Rohmah. K2208035. Error Analysis on Mispronunciation of Spoken Language Made by Students at the First Semester of English Department of Sebelas Maret University in the Academic Year 2013/2014. A Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University, 2013. The aim of this research is to find out : (1) The types of error on pronunciation made by students at the First Semester of English Department of Sebelas Maret University (2) The highest error frequency in pronouncing spoken english language made by students at the First Semester of English Department of Sebelas Maret University (3) The causes of error made by students at the First Semester of English Department of Sebelas Maret University The method used in this research is descriptive method. The research was carried out at the first semester students of English Department of Sebelas Maret University on October 10th, 2013. From the population, there were 20 students of class A taken as the sample by using random sampling. In collecting the data, the writer used pronunciation test of spoken language. Then, the data are analyzed by using error analysis procedure which consists of: collecting the data, identifying students’ errors, classifying errors, explaining errors based on their sources, describing students’ error and evaluating errors. The result of the study shows that the errors made by the students based on segmental and suprasegmental phoneme. Segmental phoneme classified into two types; error in vowel and error in consonant, then suprasegmental classified into error in stress, error in linking and error in assimilation. The writer found 894 total errors consisting of 538 or 60.18% errors in vowel, 155 or 17.34% errors in consonant, 57 or 6.37% errors in stress, 47 or 5.26% errors in linking, and 97 or 10.85% error in assimilation. Error in vowel is the most frequent errors made by the students. It is followed by error in consonant, error in assimilation, error in stress and the last is error in linking. The factors causing errors made by students at the First Semester of English Department of Sebelas Maret University are: (1) Interlingual transfer which is caused by the interference of their mother tongue, and (2) Intralingual transfer which is a negative transfer within the target language (English). Thus, the teacher should minimize the cause of errors by considering those causes and try to overcome students’ problem in pronunciation.