The impact of habit of watching movies and discourse competence on students’ speaking skill (A Correlational Study Conducted to the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar in the Academic Year of 2012/ 2013)
Oleh :
Emy Puji Lestari - K2209026 - Fak. KIP
This thesis is aimed to find out the correlation between (1) students’ habit of watching movies and speaking skill; (2) students’ discourse competence and speaking skill; (3) students’ habit of watching movies and discourse competence toward speaking skill. The method that is used in this study is correlational study. The study was conducted in May 2013 at SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar. The sampe is 30 from the population of 306 eleventh grade students in the academic year of 2012/2013. By using cluster random sampling technique, the writer takes class XI IPA-2 which consists of 34 students as the sample. But, there were only 30 students who could participate in taking the data of habit of watching movies, discourse competence, and speaking skill which fit with the sample number needed by the researcher. The instruments to collect the data are in the forms of questionnaire and test. The questionnaire is used to collect the data of students’ habit of watching movies while the test is used to collect the data of students’ discourse competence and speaking skill. The techniques which are used in analyzing the data are Simple Correlation and Multiple Regression Correlation. The result of the study shows that in the level of significance a = 0.05, it is found that (1) there is a positive correlation between habit of watching movies and speaking skill (rx1y = 0.632, to = 4.314 > tt = 1.7); (2) there is a positive correlation between discourse competence and speaking skill (rx2y = 0.567, to = 3.64 > tt = 1.7), and (3) there is a positive correlation between habit of watching movies and discourse competence simultaneously and speaking skill (Ry12 = 0.6525 and Fo = 10.012 > Ft = 3.35). From the results of the study, it is also known that habit of watching movies and discourse competence are important factors that give contribution to speaking skill. The students’ habit of watching movies gives 39.93 % contribution to the students’ speaking skill, and the students’ discourse competence has 32.12 % contribution to the students’ speaking skill. While simultaneously the students’ habit of watching movies and discourse competence give 42.58 % contribution to the students’ speaking skill. It means the increase of students’ habit of watching movies and discourse competence, either separately or simultaneously, will be followed by the increase of the students’ speaking skill. The result of the study shows that habit of watching movies and discourse competence are important factors that can improve students’ speaking skill. Those factors should be improved to increase students’ speaking skill. Keywords: habit of watching movies, discourse competence, speaking skill