
Desain interior agen bus gajah mulia sejahtera (gms) di Surakarta

Oleh :
Fani Rizcky Ashari - C0807018 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

Transportation might be considered as important system in modern for its role in distance connecting. Bus is one of public transport that services many people in the same time. It has stronger existence as it has been preferred as transportation mode for supporting their activity that lead to bus system development. It can be seen in new buses that are operated recently with better design and facility. Terminal as central of transportation service provider seems exist in complicated system and un-safe condition that lead to un-comfortable for the passengers. This project entitled “Interior Design of Gajah Mulia Sejahtera (GMS) Bus Agent in Surakarta is limited in 800- 1000 m2. It will be located on JalanJendral Ahmad Yani. It is purposed to create „Safe and Comfortable? thematic atmosphere inthe interior design. It is applying airport system as design approach for problem solving and presenting corporate branding (GMS) in its interior design. In creating „safe and comfortable? interior atmosphere, the design refers to airport system. For security issue, the design is implementing security section, goods inspection with X-Ray and metal detector and CCTV installation in some crucial points. For complicated and noisy issue, the design is arranged in separated departure and arrival circulation, information in strategic spot and clear signage. Airport system that is applied in bus agent design can be seen in 2 approaches; departure and arrival procedures. Departure procedure is implemented in drop zone placement, security check point and boarding area as private waiting room. Arrival procedure is implemented in baggage claim, arrival hall and pick up zone. Both procedures have different and separated access and circulation. Corporate existence in interior design is applied in 2 approaches. Firstly, the design uses the color of corporate branding which are white, orange and blue. Those specific colors of GMS are applied in room constructing elements; wall, floor and ceiling, that fit with each functionality. Secondly, the design uses the character of bus furniture as inspiration for furniture and interior design. Keywords: bus agent, GMS, airport system approach, safe and comfortable