
The Implementation of Immersion Program in Teaching English at SMA N 2 Karanganyar in 2012/ 2013 Academic Year

Oleh :
Gita Nur Madinna Irawati - X2211022 - Fak. KIP

The objectives of this research are to find out: (1) the information about requirements and executions of the immersion as an alternative education program, (2) the constraints that happened and the implemented efforts to overcome the constraints in organizing the immersion program, (3) the evaluation of teaching learning process in the immersion program, (4) the things that distinguish between the immersion program and the regular program, (5) the benefits which could be taken by the immersion students, the immersion teachers, and SMA N 2 Karanganyar as school organizer of the immersion program, and the special things which are only available in the immersion program, and (6) the best solution related to the expense of payment in joining the immersion program. This research used qualitative descriptive method. This research was carried out in XI Immersion 1 and X Immersion 1. The data are collected from interview, questionnaire, observation, and document analysis. The process of data analysis in this research includes collecting the data, reducing the data, presenting data, and drawing conclusion. The result of this research showed that immersion class program is really success and it deserved some eminent program in Karanganyar regency. Keywords: immersion class, English subject matter