Prarancangan pabrik etilen glikol dari etilen oksida dan air melalui proses hidrasi katalitik kapasitas 160.000 ton/tahun
Oleh :
Erfan Setiyo Nugroho - I0508087 - Fak. Teknik
Ethylene Glycol (C2H4(OH)2) is an organic compound founded by Wurtz on 1859 by treating 1,2-Dibromoethane with silver acetate to produce ethylene glycol diacetateand with further hydrolysis to produce ethylene glycol. Commercially in Indonesia, 97.34% of Ethylene Glycol is used as feedstock to polyester industry (textile) and 2.66% is used as additional feedstock in dye, brake fluid, solvent, alkyd resin, thinner, ink, foam stabilizer, cosmetic product, and anti-freeze agent. Ethylene Glycol Plant (from Ethylene Oxide and water by using catalytic hydration) will be built on Cilegon industrial area, Banten on 2017 with 160,000 tons/year capacity. Ethylene Glycol is produced by treating Ethylene Oxide with water at 46oC – 99.85oC and 17 atm in a fixed bed single tube reactor at adiabatic condition. The molar ratio of Ethylene Oxide and water is 1 : 20. The reaction operates in exothermic reaction and liquid phase. The feeds used are Ethylene Oxide with purity of 99.9 wt percent (119,662.15 tons/year), water (47,507.29 tons/year) and amberlyst 15 as catalyst (82.67 tons/year). The main products are Ethylene Glycol with purity of 99.5 wt percent, water impurity and Diethylene Glycol. The by products are Diethylene Glycol with purity of 96 wt percent and Triethylene Glycol. The utilities including water (process water, cooler water, boiler feed water, drinking water, and sanitized water) and steam from PT Krakatau Tirta Industri (PT. KTI) which located in Cilegon industrial area. The water consumption rate is 298,686,411 kg/hour and steam consumption rate is 105,689.416 kg/hour. The electricity usage is 511.75 kW from Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). The fuel consumption rate from IDO (Industrial Diesel Oil) is 4,249.27 litre/month. And the pressurized air consumption rate is 99 m3/hour. There are 3 laboratories, physical, analytical and research and development laboratory. The liquid waste is from the sanitation equipment and oiled water from the main equipment. The type of company is chosen as Private Limited with line and staff structure. The company employs 169 people. Economic analysis shows that the Return of Investment (ROI) is 38.78% before tax and 25.21% after tax. Pay Out Time (POT) is 2.1 year before tax and 3.0 year after tax. Break Even Point (BEP) is 44.04%, Shut Down Point (SDP) is 29.61% and Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) is 14.50%. These data show that Ethylene Glycol Plant can be established.