
Aplikasi pendekatan pembelajaran taktis untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar bermain bola basket pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 14 Surakarta tahun pelajaran 2013/2014

Oleh :
Dwi Noviati - K4610035 - Fak. KIP

Dwi Noviati. THE APPLICATION OF TACTICALLEARNING APPROACH TO IMPROVE THELEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF BASKETBALL INTHE STUDENTS OF EIGTH GRADE STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 14 OF SURAKARTA AT SCHOOL YEAR 2013/2014. Script, Faculty of Paedagogic and Education Science of Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta, Juli 2014. The aim of the research is to knoweffectiveness of the application of tactical lerning approach and to compare tactical lerning approach with conventional approach to improve the result achievement of basketball in the students of eight grade state junior high school 14 of Surakarta at the school year 2013/2014. This research is experiment research of quasi (PEK). The research was performed with pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group. Subject of the research is the students of eight grade of state junior hight schooll 14 of Surakarta which is amount 76 students. There are two groups in this research, they are control group in amount 38 students and experiment group in amount 38 siswa. Technique of datacollecting isby test skill of playingbasketball in dribbling, passing and shooting (Assessing sport skills, 1993), test of making tactic decision and the application of the skill with GPAI (Game performance Assesment Instrument) and observation blank . The result of the research showed as follows: (1) in the term of process, learning approachof tactic which is used to teachplaying basketball is effective. The effectiveness of the playing application are showed by the results of data analysis, a) data analysis with observation blank against student’s activities in the process of teaching for four times of meeting, great part of the students is inclussive infair category is in amount 22 students or 57,9 % , category excellent in amount 2 students or 5,3%, and in category of good is in amount 14 students or 36,8%. In conventional teaching observation while the teaching is ongoing can not be carried out, because the teaching was not designed in detail as it was in experiment group. (b) from the analysis of score pretest and posttest comparisson , students can be said pass if the point is in excellent, good and faircategory. In the group of controll at the moment of pretest, students who are in the pass category is 13 students or 34,5% after getting action (Posttest ) increased became 26 students or 68,5% from 38 students. While in the group of experiment at the moment of pretest, students who are in pass category is 16 students or 42 % after gaining action (posttest) became 33 students or 87 % from 38 students. (2) from the perspective of product or the increase of learning achievementof basketball playing has also showed that the teaching basketball game with tactical learning approach is better than using conventional approach.Based on the test of similarity and equality, at really two of linier regression is not same , but equal. Therefore it can be concluded that there is different learning achievement between tactical learning approachand conventional approach. Constanta of regression line of experiment group is 78,879. This constanta is greater than constanta of regression line of controll group is 20,399. From the average of the final test, the students who learn with tactical learning approach is 162,24, while tha average of final test who learn with conventional approach is 148,89. It showed that the result of learning achievementl with model of tactical learning approach is better than the learning achievement of basketball with conventional approach. Keyword; tacticallearning approach, the learning achievement of playing basketball.