

Enhancing the Students’ Cohesive Devices Mastery in Writing a Recount Paragraph by Using Roundtable Method

Oleh :
Rela Utami - S891208039 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

RELA UTAMI. Enhancing the Students’ Cohesive Devices Mastery in Writing a Recount Paragraph by Using Roundtable Method (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade of MTsN Ngawi in the Academic Year of 2013/2014). Thesis. Surakarta. English Education Department, Graduate Program. Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, 2014. The objectives of this study are to describe: (1) whether and to what extent the use of Roundtable Method can enhance the students’ cohesive devices mastery in writing a Recount paragraph; and (2) the advantages of using Roundtable Method applied to enhance the students’ cohesive devices mastery in writing a Recount paragraph. The study was carried out at MTsN Ngawi from March to April 2014. The subject of this study was the students of VIIIB class. The data were obtained using several techniques including diaries, observation, interview, document, and test. The quantitative data were analyzed in the form of mean score and the qualitative data were analyzed by using Constant Comparative Method. The findings of this study show that: (1) the use of Roundtable Method can enhance the students’ cohesive devices mastery in writing a Recount paragraph including (a) the students can use correct and various temporal conjunctions; (b) the students can apply article a, an, the in Recount paragraphs correctly; (c) the students can use personal and demonstrative references correctly. The students’ mean score of cohesive devices mastery was improved from 2.05 to 3.29 in the end of Cycle 2. The mean score of writing was also improved from 53.9 to 84.2 in the end of Cycle 2. (2) there are several advantages found as follows: (a) Roundtable can make the students active and motivated so the class atmosphere is alive; (b) Roundtable can help the students create an imaginative story; (c) Roundtable can help to address problems of inequitable participation; and (d) Roundtable encourages the students to adjust their writing. The findings imply that the teaching writing using Roundtable Method makes the improvement of the students’ cohesive devices mastery, especially in the use of the temporal conjunctions, article a, an, the, personal and demonstrative references. Consequently, the students can make a cohesive and coherent writing. Besides, the teaching writing using Roundtable Method makes the class alive or not boring since all of them were active and motivated during the process. In conclusion, Roundtable Method is a teaching method that gives benefits for both the students’ achievement and the students’ learning interest. Keywords: writing, Roundtable Method, recount text, classroom action research