Critical Discourse Analysis on Language and Power in ELT Classroom (An Ethnograpy Study at STKIP Bangkalan, Madura)
Oleh :
Andri Donal - S891302001 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
Andri Donal. S891302001. 2014. Critical Discourse Analysis on Language and Power in ELT Classroom (An Ethnograpy Study at STKIP Bangkalan, Madura). First Consultant: Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd. Second Consultant: Dr. Sumardi, M.Hum. A thesis. Surakarta: English Education Department. Graduate Program of Teacher training and education Faculty,Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.
The objectives of the research are: (1) To describe the power in language represented in the speech acts, (2) To explore the effects of power in language done by teachers toward students’ learning attitude. The research was carried out at STKIP Bangkalan Madura. It was conducted from January to August 2014. The subject of the research is the English teachers’ of STKIP Bangkalan, Madura. It is an ethnograpy study research. The ethnography study data are collected through document analysis, observation, interview,and questionnaire. The data are analyzed using qualitative data analysis technique proposed by James Spradley which covers domain analysis, taxonomy analysis, componential analysis, and theme analysis and this data also analyzed by using critical discourse analysisapproach proposed by Norman Fairclough which covers description, interpretation and explanation.
The research findings show that; (1) In the classroom, a teacher represents power in language into some speech acts forms, including: directive, assertive and expressive speech acts forms. The directive speech acts have students do something; the assertive speech act are the teacher’s argument to make students agree or believe with teacher’s idea. The last isthe expressive speech acts, they are the teacher’s psychological states about the students such as pleasure and displeasure expressions, (2) The application of teacher’s power in speech acts forms can influence students’ learning attitude, as follows: a). The teacher’s status influences the students’ perspective in responding teacher’s command; b). Students are enjoyful in doing teacher’s request; c). Teacher assumed that teacher’s prohibition acts are the forms of training for students to be more discipline; d). Students consider that the teacher’s permission acts have less negative effect to them; e). The teacher’s advice influences their learning attitude towards positive side because it can increase their motivation and add their knowledge, information and experience; f). Students tend to be afraid in facing the fierce teacher’s questions; g). The teacher’s intervention is a must when there are different arguments among students; h). The students will be happy if the teacher appreciates their arguments; i). The teacher’s pleasure expression will trigger students to be more active in the classroom. It also can increase students’ motivation because the students assume it is as the form of teacher’s appreciation to them; j). The displeasure expression has the high restriction of illocutionary power because it can decrease students’ learning motivation.
Therefore, in teaching learning process, a teacher should create the humanistic teaching where a teacher should consider the negative effects from implementing the powers in language in ELT classroom.
Keywords:power and language, speech acts, critical discourse analysis, learning attitude, ethnography study