The Implementation Of Guided Reciprocal Peer Questioning (Grpq) Technique In Teaching Writing (A Qualitative Study at the Second Semester of English Education Department, IAIN Surakarta, in the Academic Year of 2012/2013)
Oleh :
Nafik Fitriana - S891202045 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
This study aims at 1) describing the implementation of GRPQ in teaching writing in the second semester of English education department IAIN Surakarta and 2) identifying the effects of the implementation of GRPQ on the effectiveness of teaching writing. This study applies a qualitative study which had been carried out at the second semester of English Education Department, IAIN Surakarta, in the academic year of 2012/2013. The data were collected through observation, interview, and document analysis. The data were, then, analyzed through constant comparative method including: comparing incidents applicable to each category, integrating categories and their properties, delimiting the theory, and writing the theory.
The result of the study reveals: 1) GRPQ technique has been implemented well in teaching writing at the second semester students of English department, IAIN Surakarta. It is viewed from the result of the observation on the lesson plan (SAP), teaching and learning objectives, teaching and learning process, teaching materials, students’ role, and lecturer’s role which are relevant to those recommended by GRPQ. 2) this technique has good effects on some aspects: first, the implementation of GRPQ promotes students’ cognitive process in content mastery/ higher levels of academic achievement; second, the implementation of GRPQ develops higher level thinking skills of students; third, the implementation of GRPQ enhances students’ social competence; fourth, the implementation of GRPQ helps students to practice writing easily.
Considering the result of this study, the implementation of GRPQ technique in teaching writing carried out at IAIN Surakarta brings positive effects toward the students’ writing skill, so that it could be an alternative technique of teaching writing to the students of university level in other institutions. Besides, it is important for lecturers to be more creative and active to motivate students’ participation in the classroom activities and to keep them aware with the future challenges by promoting higher order thinking skill. Finally, it is hoped for the institution to supervise the educational practitioners, especially the lecturers as the implementers in the teaching and learning activities so that the teaching and learning process run more effectively and efficiently.