

Improving the Students’ Reading Skill Using Collaborative Strategic Reading Model (A Classroom Action Research at SMA Negeri 1 Slogohimo,Wonogiri in the Academic Year of 2013/2014)

Oleh :
Nursahid - S890809208 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

ABSTRACT Nursahid: Improving the Students’ Reading Skill Using Collaborative Strategic Reading Model (A Classroom Action Research at SMA Negeri 1 Slogohimo,Wonogiri in the Academic Year of 2013/2014). Surakarta: English Education Department Graduate Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Sebelas Maret University. This thesis is written: (1) to identify whether teaching English reading using Collaborative Strategic Reading Model can improve the students‟ reading skill, and (2) to identify the strengths and the weaknesses of teaching English reading using Collaborative Strategic Reading Model. The problem highlighted in this research is the low reading mastery of students in SMA Negeri 1 Slogohimo Wonogiri. The research is conducted in two cycles from January to March 2014 in class XI Social 2. The procedure of the research consists of identifying problem, planning the action, implementing the action, observing the action, and reflecting the result of the research. The qualitative data were derived from observation, diary, questionnaire, interviews, and document analysis of the students‟ work. In analyzing qualitative data, I use Constant Comparative Method (CCM) by comparing incidents applicable to categories, integrating categories and their properties, delimiting the theory, and writing the theory. The quantitative data were derived from the pre-test and the post-tests. In analyzing quantitative data, I used a descriptive statistics describing the highest, the lowest, and the mean scores. The result of the research indicates that: (1) Collaborative Strategic Reading Model can improve the students‟ reading skill in all aspects: (a) literal understanding; (b) interpretive understanding; (c) critical understanding; and (d) creative understanding. The class condition is conducive and enjoyable for children to learn reading. (2) The strengths and the weaknesses: (a) the strengths: (i) students‟ interest; (ii) motivation; (iii) concentrations; (iv) work; (v) participation; (b) the weaknesses are: (i) the limited time, and; (ii) the use of reciprocal teaching in CSR was effective only on preview and did not encourage natural discussion; (iii) it was difficult to find appropriate pattern in the way students applied the wrap strategy. Since using CSR has succeeded in improving the students reading skill, it is suggested that the English teachers to (1) use CSR model as one of the strategies to improve students‟ reading skill; (2) facilitate students to practice CSR model in reading class; (3) be a facilitator or motivator not an instructor, so he or she does not dominate the class. Keywords : Collaborative Strategic Reading Model, reading skill, classroom action research