

The Implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching to Improve Students’ Grammar Mastery

Oleh :
Neni Marlina - S891108070 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

ABSTRACT Neni Marlina. S891108070. “The Implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching to Improve Students’ Grammar Mastery” (A Classroom Action Research At The First Grade Students of English Department Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya In The Academic Year Of 2012/2013). The First Consultant is Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd., and the second Consultant is Dr. Sumardi, M.Hum. Thesis: English Education: English Education Department. Graduate School. Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. This research aims at finding; (1) whether task-based language teaching can improve students’ grammar mastery; and (2) whether the implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching and improve class condition in grammar class of the first grade students of English Department of Siliwangi University. The research problem in this research is the low scores of students’ grammar mastery obtained from the pre-research. The focus of this study is the use of Task-Based Language Teaching which enables the students to experience communicative grammar learning with various meaningful tasks in the grammar class. Therefore, it is able to improve not only the students’ grammar mastery but also the better classroom condition. The method used in this research is classroom action research. It was conducted in two cycles from October to Desember 2012 at the first grade students of English Department Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya. The procedures included identifying problem and planning, implementing action, observing, and reflecting. Test, questionnaire, observation sheet and teacher’s diary are used to gain the data needed. Qualitative data of the research were analysed through descriptive statistics. Meanwhile, quantitave data were analysed using descriptive statistics while qualitative one were analysed through the following steps, data reduction, data display, drawing conclusion and verification. The research can be concluded that the use of Task-Based Language Teaching can improve the students’ grammar mastery. They are able to make sentences in simple present, present continuous, simple past, past continuous, and present perfect with correct form and meaning. The results of all cycles conducted as follows; the average score of post-test in cycle I is 65, and post test in cycle II is 71. Other findings show that the class condition also became better since this method was applied. The students were more active joining the learning process. They applied the language rules they learned communicatively in the spoken and written forms. This condition made them aware of their ability to use the standard language in the communication. They also felt enjoyable and motivated when this method was applied. In conclusion, the implementation of task-based language teaching can improve the students’ grammar mastery and the classroom condition. This method gives benefits for both students’ achievement and their learning atmosphere. Key words: students’ grammar mastery, Task-Based Language Teaching, classroom action research