

An Analysis of Translation techniques of Directives in the Film entitled Alice in Wonderland and the Effects towards Translation Quality

Oleh :
Ari Wahyuni - S131008002 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Ari Wahyuni. S131008002.2014. An Analysis of Translation techniques of Directives in the Film entitled Alice in Wonderland and the Effects towards Translation Quality. 1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. M. Nababan, M.Ed, M.A, Ph.D.. 2nd Supervisor: Dr. Sri Marmanto, M.Hum. Linguistics Graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University. ABSTRACT This research is the study of translation that aims to: (1) determine type of directives used in the film Alice in Wonderland, (2) describe translation techniques used by the translator to translate the directives into target text, (3) describe the effects of translation techniques of directives in the film Alice in Wonderland towards translation quality which includes accuracy and acceptability. This research is qualitative descriptive and focuses on single case study. The source of data of this research is a document in the form of film entitled Alice in Wonderland as well as the transcript and the subtitle and the 3 raters who give rates to the accuracy and acceptability of the translation product. Data of this research consist of two kinds data which are primary and secondary data. Primary data consist of directives with the subtitle and the result of questionnaire and deep interview with the raters regarding accuracy and acceptability levels of the translation. Secondary data were obtained from internet which include the synopsis of the film Alice in Wonderland along with some reviews from viewers. The data collection was carried out through document analysis, questionnaire, and deep interview. The data were taken by using purposive sampling technique. The results are as follows: (1) There are 6 kinds of directives which are requestive 13,99%, question 13,99%, requirement 53,89%, prohibitive 3,63%, advice 5,70%, and warning 8,81%. (2) From 193 data found in this research, there are 12 translation techniques. They are literal 39,62%, establish equivalence 23,11%, reduction 13,21%, modulation 6,60%, linguistic amplification 3,77%, borrowing 3,77%, transposition 2,83%, adaptation 2,36%, generalisation 2,36%, discursive creation 0,94%, particularization 0,94%, and deletion 0,47%. (3) translation quality assesment of directive in this research shows high result. The accuracy levels shows 91, 71% while acceptability shows 90, 16%. There are two data shift in the form of directives. However, the influence of technique used towards translation quality shows that most of the meaning of directives in the source text is translated accurately in the target text and the result of its translation is grammatically accepted. Keywords: translation technique, directives, accuracy, acceptability.