

A Content Analysis On Curriculum 2013-Based Textbook When English Rings A Bell For The Year Vii Students

Oleh :
Cinthia Reswari - S891302013 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

The main objectives of the research are to: (1) discover whether WERB for year VII students meets the characteristics of a good English textbook; and (2) find out whether WERB for year VII students reflects the graduate competences, basic competences, and asessment standards of Curriculum 2013. This study is a textbook evaluation research and was carried out at SMP N 1 Kalasan, SMPN 2 Pleret, and SMPN 3 Banguntapan. The procedure used in this research is adapted from Ur (2009) which includes: (1) deciding on criteria, (2) applying criteria, and (3) summary. Having determined the criteria, which cover fourteen aspects, the textbook was analyzed. Two evaluators from SMPN 1 Kalasan and SMPN 2 Pleret were asked to evaluate the textbook using the selected criteria. The evaluators were asked to fill out a questionnaire. In addition, they were interviewed. The students from SMPN 3 Banguntapan were asked about their impression about the textbook by a questionnaire and interview. Lastly, in the summary step, the researcher made conclusions were made based on the data analysis result. The findings of this research are: (1) WERB for year VII students fulfills eight out of fourteen good characteristics of English textbooks; and (2) WERB for year VII student does not reflect the graduate competences, teaching and learning process method, and evaluation standards of Curriculum 2013. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that WERB for year VII student is fairly good. Finally, it is hoped that this study can be useful for the English teaching and learning process, especially with the new curriculum now. By knowing the strengths and weaknesses of WERB, teachers can adjust the teaching materials and activities. Second, the government can continue improve WERB. Lastly, material developers can take into account the findings of this research when developing their own material or textbook.