
The Analysis Of Speech Acts Applied On The Design Molvi T-Shirts As Islamic Propaganda Media (Pragmatics Approach)

Oleh :
Ulfa Khoirunnisa’ - C0307007 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This research attempts to find out the types of speech acts applied on the t- shirt of Design Molvi, the intentions of the use of the speech acts and the strategies used by the designer to deliver the Islamic messages through the t-shirt. This research uses the pragmatics approach. It is a descriptive research which takes total sampling technique. The data of this research were taken from the verbal text applied on the adult t-shirts of Design Molvi in designmolvi.com website. The data are classified based on Searle’s speech act theory.
The first finding of the research shows that there are three types of speech acts from the 35 data; they are Representatives, Directives, and Commissives; Representatives speech acts with 13 data (37%), Directives speech acts with 21 data (60%), and Commissives speech acts with 1 datum (3%).
The second finding of the research shows the intentions of the use of the types of speech act. There are totally ten intentions of the use of the types of speech act that found in this research. They are to assert, to represent, to state, and to clarify, to command, to advise, to prohibit, to suggest, to invite, and to threaten. The use of representatives speech acts are intended to assert the sender’s aqidah; to represent muamalah concept in Islam, to represent Islamic identity; to state his akhlaq, to state Islamic identity; to clarify the issue of terrorism. The use of directives speech acts are intended  to  command  the receiver to  have the  straight  aqidah,  to  command  the receiver to do ibadah and do good akhlaq; to advise the receiver related to how to do ibadah like the Prophet’s and to advise the receiver to have good akhlaq; to prohibit the receiver not to do a particular activity related to ibadah; to suggest the receiver to do muamalah and do good akhlaq; and to invite the receiver to love Islam. Whereas, the use of commissives speech act is intended to threaten the enemy of Islam
The third finding of the research shows the strategies used by the designer to deliver the Islamic messages through the t-shirts. There are 4 kind of strategies. The first strategy is the use of direct and indirect speech act including 26 data of direct speech acts and 9 data of indirect speech acts. The second strategy is the use of politeness strategies including 13 data which use bald on record strategy, 1 datum of positive politeness strategy, 10 data of negative politeness strategy, and 11 data of off record strategy. The third is the use of popular forms. Then, the last strategy is the use of popular icons of game, social media, and superhero.