
Faktor-faktor Non-Meritokrasi yang Mempengaruhi Penentuan Promosi Jabatan pada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah

Oleh :
Sonhaji - 195912061988031004 - Fak. ISIP

This report is a research report on how to determine a job promotion at SKPD, the study sites were Surakarta Municipal and Boyolali District. Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) is the department responsible for staff development at both areas, and therefore the location of this study is limited to be conducted at the office of BKD. This  research  was  a  descriptive-qualitative  study;  Key  Informants  were  the officials in both agencies who are familiar and dealing with the various and specific aspect of job promotion at BKD. The data obtained were validated by other sources  who also having a good understanding related to job promotion at SKPD. Data were colected using interviews, observations, and the documents related to the research object. The data then was analyzed using the qualitative methods. The results of this study were as follows: 1) the job promotions on SKPD in both Surakarta and  Boyolali have been  normatively implemented based  on the  laws  and regulations, 2) the final determinant of the electoral process proposed by Baperjakat became the authority of Pejabat Pengguna Kepegawaian (PPK) which was the mayor of Surakarta and Boyolali. 3) It were found the over authority of the municipal or district in finalizing the selected prospective officers,  it was also often leading to an excessive use of authority, 4) the excessive authority of Surakarta Mayor in the job promotion of SKPD was performed in order to fullfill the Vision and Mission promoted during the Pilkada, thus for a certain SKPD, the mayor has the authority to determine his/her candidates to be promoted Baperjakat Surakarta Municipal, 5) The job promotion at SKPD in Boyolali district,  argued with  biases  interests and  as  a  result  the  data  and  information from Baperjakat of Boyolali was often ignored by local leaders in determining job promotions at SKPD; 6) It was on a public opinion that there were an extra invisible power outside the local government system that influence the process of job promotion at SKPD in Boyolali district, hence it was found some officials who has not matched with the criteria of their responsible position.
Key  Words:  Job  Promotion,  Satuan  Kerja  Perangkat  Daerah  (SKPD),  Head  of District/Municipal.