


Oleh :
Bambang Gunaryo - S811202009 - Fak. KIP

Bambang Gunaryo 2014. The Correlation of School Organizational Climate and Work Motivation with Teachers’ Performance at Sudirman Islamic Vocational School Kabupaten Semarang District . THESIS.  Supervisor I : Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akhyar, M.Pd, II : Dr. Nunuk Suryani, M.Pd. Program Study of Educational Technology. Graduate Program of Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.




This study aims to determine : 1) the correlation of school organizational climate with teachers’ performance, 2) the correlation of work motivation with teachers’ performance, and 3) the correlation of school organizational climate and work motivation with the performance of teachers at Sudirman Islamic Vocational High School Semarang district.

This study was correlation. The population in this study was the teachers at Sudirman Islamic Vocational High School Semarang district amounted to 84 people. The samples were 46 people who were randomly selected by proportional random sampling technique. This study examined the correlation between the independent variables which were two variables and one dependent variable. Independent variables included school organizational climate (X1) and work motivation (X2) and the dependent variable was the performance of the teachers (Y). Data collecting methods used in this study were questionnaires and documentations. The questionnaires were used to measure school organizational climate, work motivation and performance of the teachers.

The data were analyzed by using partial correlation and multiple regression. The study results found a significant positive correlation between : 1) organizational climate of the school with the teachers’ performance ry1 of  0.477, the coefficient of determinati and the effective contribution of 16%; 2) the correlation of work motivation and performance of teachers, with ry2 of 0.473, the coefficient of determinati and the effective contribution of 15.5%;  3) the correlation of school organizational climate and work motivation simultaneously with the performance of teachers at Sudirman Islamic Vocational High School Semarang District, with ry12 of 0.561, the coefficient of determinati with multiple regression equation Y = 58.478 + 0,193X1 + 0,271X2. Simultaneously the teachers’ performance can be explained by climatic variables of school organization and motivation of 31.5%, based on the value of the R Square 0.315, the rest (68.5%) come from other factors beyond the studied variables.

Based on these results it can be concluded that teachers’ performance can be enhanced through the school organizational climate and work motivation of teachers at Sudirman Islamic Vocational High School Semarang District.


Key words : the school organizational climate, the work motivation, the teachers’ performance.