

THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT IN ENGLISH INSTRUCTION BASED ON CURRICULUM 2013 (A Case Study at the Tenth Grade of SMA Tunas Bangsa, Aceh Barat Daya in the Academic Year of 2014/2015)

Oleh :
Fitriani - S891308016 - Fak. KIP

A case study at the tenth grade of SMA Tunas Bangsa Aceh Barat Daya in the
academic year of 2014/2015. Thesis. Surakarta. English Education Department of
Graduate Program of Sebelas Maret University. Thesis Consultant I: Prof. Dr. Sri
Samiati Tarjana; Thesis Consultant II: Dr. Hersulastuti, M. Hum
This study aims at: (1) describing the implementation of authentic assessment
in English instruction based on curriculum 2013, (2) figuring out the difficulties in
implementing authentic assessment in English instruction based on curriculum 2013
and (3) yielding the solution used by the teacher to overcome the difficulties in
implementing authentic assessment in English instruction based on curriculum 2013.
This study applies a case study method which had been carried out at the
tenth grade of SMA Tunas Bangsa, Aceh Barat Daya in the academic year
2014/2015.The data were collected through interview, observation and
documentation and validated by using triangulation and member checking method.
The data were then analyzed by using the interactive model of Miles and
The result of the study revealed that SMA Tunas Bangsa Aceh Barat Daya
utilized Permendikbud 81a Tahun 2013 as the primary guideline in implementing
authentic assessment in curriculum 2013. Particularly, the English teacher
administered oral monolog test as the performance assessment, descriptive written
test as the portfolio assessment, and assigned students to produce a tourism brochure
as the project assessment. However, the complex assessment procedure, managing
the classroom assessment activities and scoring the students’ tasks were the main
difficulties in enacting this assessments. To overcome the problems, the teacher
maintained annual communication with students concerning the assessment system,
organized the tasks orderly and adjusted the scoring instruments to the level of
students’ English proficiency and the school condition.
SMA Tunas Bangsa Aceh Barat Daya has been implementing the authentic
assessment as directed in curriculum 2013. However, the English teacher still
experienced some constraints during instructional activities so that the assessment
process did not run effectively. Therefore, the English teacher is expected to extend
her insight, creativity and dedication to improve the quality of the assessment. The
curriculum coordinator is recommended to increase the coordination between
teachers to create more effective assessment management.
Keywords: implementation, authentic assessment, curriculum 2013