
The Promotion Strategy Of Disbudpar Karanganyartoimprovekaranganyar Tourism

Oleh :
Ayu Octavia Hendriyati Lombogia - C9311014 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project is written based on the job training which has been done in the Cultural and Tourism Office of Karanganyar. This final project discusses the strategy in promoting Karanganyar tourism, the problem encountered in promotion of Cultural and Tourism office and the solutions to the problem.

The Cultural and Tourism Office of Karanganyar has several strategies in promoting Karanganyar such as; printed media ( brochures, leaflet, and catalogs ), electronic media ( www.karanganyar.go.id ), holding local events ( Putra - Putri Lawu Events ) and participating in National events (travel dialog, sending a team of art, participating in the exhibition of art and culture in “Karismapawirogo”).

There are two problems faced in promoting Karanganyar: it lacks of budget to improve Karanganyar tourism and many tourist attractions aren’t still unknown in other countries.

To overcome all those problems, the writer gives some solutions and suggestion to improve Karanganyar tourism.