

Pengembangan Lembar Kegiatan Belajar IPA Berbasis “Sinau” pada Anak-Anak Komunitas Sedulur Sikep di Kecamatan Sukolilo, Kabupaten Pati

Oleh :
Anang Christian Widyanarko - S831302005 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) karakteristik lembar kegiatan belajar IPA berbasis “sinau” pada anak-anak komunitas Sedulur Sikep; 2) kelayakan lembar kegiatan belajar IPA berbasis “sinau” pada anak-anak komunitas Sedulur Sikep; 3) efektivitas lembar kegiatan belajar IPA berbasis “sinau” pada anak-anak komunitas Sedulur Sikep.
Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Research and Development) yang mengacu pada model 4-D yang dimodifikasi sesuai dengan kondisi di lapangan. Penelitian dibagi menjadi 4 tahap: 1) pendefinisian (define); 2) perancangan (design); 3) pengembangan (develop); dan 4) penyebaran (disseminate).
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) karakteristik lembar kegiatan belajar IPA berbasis “sinau” pada anak-anak komunitas Sedulur Sikep adalah mudah diterima dan dipahami, serta tidak melanggar aturan adat; 2) lembar kegiatan belajar IPA berbasis “sinau” dengan materi konsep dasar air pada anak-anak komunitas Sedulur Sikep dapat diterapkan setelah mendapat penilaian layak dari ahli materi, akademisi pengamat budaya dan tokoh masyarakat Sedulur Sikep, karena sesuai dengan kebutuhan sehari-hari, tidak melanggar aturan adat dan tidak melanggar prinsip “sinau”; 3) lembar kegiatan belajar IPA berbasis “sinau” efektif digunakan pada anak-anak Komunitas Sedulur Sikep karena menggunakan metode eksperimen berbasis lingkungan yang dimodifikasi sesuai kondisi, sehingga anak-anak Sedulur Sikep mudah menerima dan memahami. Mereka menganggap seperti bermain, sangat antusias karena menjumpai sesuatu yang baru dan belum pernah dilakukan, mudah dilakukan karena menggunakan bahan dan media yang mudah ditemukan di sekitar mereka, tanpa mereka sadari bahwa mereka telah mempelajari konsep dasar IPA seperti yang diberikan di sekolah formal.
Kata Kunci:  Sedulur Sikep, lembar kegiatan belajar IPA berbasis “sinau”, konsep dasar air.
The objectives of this research are to find out: 1) the characteristics of sinau-based Science for children of Sedulur Sikep community; 2) the feasibility of sinau-based Science worksheet for children of Sedulur Sikep community; 3) the effectiveness of sinau-based Science worksheet for children of Sedulur Sikep community.
This research employed Research and Development method, which refers to 4-D model which is modified to fit the field of research. This research is divided into 4 (four) stages: (1) define; (2) design; (3) develop; and (4) disseminate.
The research found out that: 1) the characteristics of sinau-based woksheet for the children of Sedulur Sikep community were acceptable and understandable as well as unviolating the indigenous rules; (2) “sinau”-based Science worksheet was for the materials about the concept of water. It was used for children of Sedulur Sikep community and it could be implemented after the expert of Science materials, scholars, and leading figures of Sedulur Sikep community declared it was acceptable and feasible because it met their daily needs, it was not against the indegenous rules, and it did not violate the principles of sinau; 3) sinau-based Science worksheet was  effectively used for the children of Sedulur Sikep community because it used environment-based experiment which was modified to suit the specific condition of the children, so that they could easily understood and accepted the lessons. They considered the learning process as playing and they enjoyed it as they found it a new thing, one that they never did before, and it was easy to do as the media and sources of learning were easily found around them, they did not realize that they learned the same basic concept of Science that formal education offered.
Keywords:   Sedulur Sikep, sinau-based Science worksheet, basic concept of water.