

Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Group Discovery Learning (GDL) pada Materi Protista Kelas X SMA Negeri Karangpandan

Oleh :
Deny Febriana - S831302016 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Penelitian bertujuan untuk: 1) mengembangkan multimedia interaktif berbasis (GDL) pada materi protista, 2) mengetahui kelayakan multimedia interaktif berbasis (GDL) pada materi protista, dan 3) mengetahui keefektifan produk multimedia interaktif berbasis (GDL) disertai model dan modul terhadap hasil belajar pada materi protista. Penelitian menggunakan metode Reseacrh and Development (R&D) mengacu pada Gall, Borg, and Gall (1983) dengan sembilan tahapan. Kelayakan multimedia divalidasi oleh satu ahli media, satu ahli materi, satu ahli perangkat pembelajaran, dan dua praktisi. Subjek uji coba penelitian adalah siswa SMAN Karangpandan yang berjumlah 114 siswa dengan rincian 10 siswa untuk uji coba terbatas dan 104 siswa untuk uji coba lapangan, 38 siswa kelas media, 26 siswa kelas agregasi, dan 40 siswa kelas existing learning.. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket untuk analisis kebutuhan, lembar observasi, dan tes untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa. Data dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan hasil belajar dianalisis dengan N-gain ternormalisasi untuk mengetahui keefektifan media, Paired Sample T-Tes untuk mengetahui hasil belajar sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan media, Anova untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar aspek pegetahuan kelas media, agregasi, dan existing learning, dan Mann-Whitney U untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar aspek sikap dan psikomotorik. Produk media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah media pembelajaran dalam bentuk multimedia interaktif. Multimedia interaktif yang dikembangkan berbasis model GDL pada materi protista. Multimedia interaktif berbasis GDL terintegrasi sintak model GDL, disesuaikan dengan kurikulum 2013, dan menggunakan program macromedia flash. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian oleh validator ahli media (82,47%), ahli materi (97,22%), ahli perangkat pembelajaran (93,11%), dan praktisi (91,63%). Uji coba skala terbatas diperoleh rata-rata 85,24% dengan kategori baik. Hasil analisis dengan N-gain menunjukkan bahwa kelas agregasi lebih tinggi dari kelas media dan kelas existing learning (0,61 > 0,57 > 0,39) dengan KKM 75. Hasil analisis uji T (Paired Sample T-Test) menunjukkan ada perbedaan hasil belajar aspek pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan multimedia interaktif berbasis GDL (sig 0,000 < 0,05). Hasil analisis Anova menunjukkan ada perbedaan hasil belajar aspek pengetahuan antara kelas media, kelas agregasi, dan kelas existing learning (sig 0,000 < 0,05). Hasil analisis Mann-Whitney U aspek psikomotorik menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan antara kelas media dan agregasi (sig 0,107 > 0,05). Hasil analisis Mann-Whitney U aspek sikap menunjukkan ada perbedaan antara kelas media dan agregasi (sig 0,000 < 0,05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1) Produk yang dikembangkan dalam bentuk multimedia interaktif berbasis GDL pada materi protista, terintegrasi sintak model GDL, disesuaikan dengan kurikulum 2013, dan menggunakan program macromedia flash. 2) Multimedia interaktif berbasis GDL dinyatakakan layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran dengan mendapatkan nilai 85,53% dalam kategori baik. 3) Multimedia interaktif berbasis GDL efektif pada hasil belajar aspek pengetahuan dan sikap, tetapi tidakefektif pada aspek psikomotorik. Hasil belajar antara kelas media, kelas agregasi, dan kelas existing learning menunjukkan ada perbedaan dan masuk dalam kategori sedang. Kata kunci: Multimedia, Group Discovery Learning, dan Protista
The objectives of this research are: (1) to develop the Group Discovery Learning (GDL)-based Interactive Multimedia on the topic of discussion of Protist, (2) to investigate feasibility of product of GDL-based Interactive Multimedia on the topic of discussion of Protist, and (3) to investigate effectiveness of product of GDL-based Interactive Multimedia accompanied with model and module toward the learning result on the topic of discussion of Protist. This research used the Research and Development (R&D) method referring to the one claimed by Borg and Call with nine phases. The feasibility of developed multimedia was validated by an expert of media, an expert of learning material, an expert of learning instruments, and two practitioners. The subjects of research were 114 students of State Senior Secondary School of Karangpandan; 10 students were exposed to limited testing, and the rest 104 students were exposed to field testing. The latter were divided into two classes 38 students in media class, 26 in aggregation class, and 40 in existing learning class. The data of research were gathered through questionnaire of need analysis, observation sheet, and test of achievement to evaluate the students’ ability. They were then analyzed by using the descriptive qualitative method. Meanwhile, the result of cognitive learning was analyzed by using normalized N-gain to investigate the effectiveness of the developed media, Paired- Sample T test to investigate the learning results prior to and following the developed-media use, and Anova to investigate the difference of the learning result of media class, of aggregation class, and that of existing learning class, and Mann-Whitney U to investigate the difference in the attitude and psychomotor learning results between media and aggregation class. The development product is multimedia interactive. The development of GDL-based interactive multimedia on the topic of discussion of protist. The development of GDL-based interactive multimedia integrated of GDL model with kurikulum reform 2013; and macromedia flash programed. The average values of the results of validation by the expert of media (82.47%), the expert of learning material (97.22%), the expert of learning instruments (93.11%), and the practitioners (91.63%); they belong to good and very good categories. The average value based on the limited testing is 85.24%, which belongs to good category. The result of normalized N-gain analysis shows that the aggregation class has a higher value than the media class and existing learning class (0.61 > 0.57 > 0,39) with KKM 75. The result of Paired Sample t-Test shows that there is a difference in the learning result on the knowledge aspect prior to and following the use of GDL-based interactive media (sig. 0.000 < 0.05). The result of Anova shows that there is a difference in the learning result on the knowledge aspect between the media class, the aggregation class, and the existing learning class (sig. 0.000 < 0.05). The result of Mann-Whitney U analysis shows that there is not any difference in the learning result on the psychomotor aspect between the media class and the aggregation class (sig. 0.107 > 0.05). The result of Mann-Whitney U analysis shows that there is a difference in the attitude aspect between the media class and the group class (sig. 0.000 < 0.05).Based on the results of research, conclusions are drawn that: (1) the development product is of GDL-based interactive multimedia on the topic of discussion of protist; integrated of GDL model with kurikulum reform 2013; and macromedia flash programed; (2) the value of the feasibility following the field testing is 85.53%, which belongs to good category; and (3) the GDL-based interactive multimedia is effective on the learning result in the knowledge and attitude aspects, but is not positively effective on the learning result in the skill aspect. The learning result of the students has an adequately significant improvement, which is in the fairly good category for both the media class and the aggregation class, but there is a difference in the students’ learning results between the media class and the aggregation class. Keywords: Multimedia, Group Discovery Learning, and Protist.