

Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Geografi Berbasis Inkuiri pada Siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Kayen

Oleh :
Syamsiyatuz Zahrok - S811308045 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Penelitianinibertujuanuntuk (1) UntukmengetahuiperencanaanpembelajaranGeografiBerbasisInkuiripadasiswa SMA NegeriKayen.; (2) UntukmengetahuipelaksanaanpembelajaranGeografiBerbasisInkuiripadasiswa SMA NegeriKayen. (3)UntukmengetahuievaluasipembelajaranGeografiBerbasisInkuiripadasiswa SMA NegeriKayen . Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Nara sumber dalam penelitian ini adalah kepalasekolah, guru, dansiswa. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model analisis interaktif.
Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan: (1)PerencanaanpembelajaranGeografiBerbasisInkuiripadasiswa SMA NegeriKayenmengacupadasilabus, didalamrencanapelaksanaanpembelajaranharus adatujuanpembelajaran, materi ajar, metodepengajaran, sumberbelajar, danpenilaianhasilbelajar. (2)PelaksanaanpembelajaranGeografiBerbasisInkuiripadasiswa SMA NegeriKayenagar pesertadidikdapatmencapaitujuanataumenemukankonsep-konsepmateripembelajaran yang diterangkan, memberikan alternative pemecahannya, memonitor proses belajarmengajar, membantupesertadidik yang mengalamihambatandalamkegiatanpembelajaran, pesertadidikaktifmelakukaneksplorasi, observasi, investigasidenganbimbingan guru.(3)evaluasipembelajaranGeografiberbasisinkuiridi SMA N 1 KayenPati, dilaksanakandisetiappertemuandanjugapadasaatpergantianKompetensiDasar, dari hasil testersebut guru dapatmengetahuikeberhasilan proses belajarmengajar yang telahdilaksanakan.Penilaiandilakukandari proses danhasil.. HasilevaluasidisampaikankepadawakilkepalasekolahbagiankurikulumdanKepalaSekolahSMA N 1 KayenPati, salahsatutinjaklanjutdarilaporanhasilevaluasitersebutadalahpeninjauankembalikeefektifanmetodepembelajaran yang digunakanuntukmatapelajarangeografi.
Kata Kunci: Pengelolaan, pembelajaran, inkuiri, geografi
The objectives of this research are to (1) to determine the planning of Geography Learning Based Inquiry of Student at SMA N 1 Kayen.  (2) to determine the implementation of Geography Learning Based Inquiry of Student at SMA N 1 Kayen. (3) to determine the evaluation of Geography Learning Based Inquiry of Student at SMA N 1 Kayen. This is a qualitative research. Human resources in this research are principal, teacher and student. Data collection method used depth interview, observation and documentation. Data analysis used interactive analysis model.
Result of the research shows that (1) the planning of Geography Learning Based Inquiry of Student at SMA N 1 Kayen refers to syllabus, in lesson plan should be a goal of learning, teaching materials, teaching methods, learning resources, and assessment of learning outcomes. (2) Implementation of Geography Learning Based Inquiry of Student at SMA N 1 Kayen so that learners can achieve the goal or find the concepts of learning materials that described, provide alternative solutions, monitoring the learning process, helping students who have problems in learning, learners doing exploration, observation, investigation with teacher guide. (3) Evaluation of Geography Learning Based Inquiry of Student at SMA N 1 Kayen, held every meeting and also at the change of Basic competence, from the results of the tests the teacher can determine the success of the learning process has been implemented. The assessment was conducted of the process and results. The results of the evaluation shall be submitted to the vice principal and the curriculum Principal of SMA N 1 KayenPati, one of follow up activity of the evaluation report is a review of the effectiveness of the learning methods used for geography subject.
Keywords: management, learning, inquiry, geography