
Asuhan Kebidanan Keluarga Berencana pada Ny. R P1a1 Akseptor IUD dengan Keputihan di Rsud Surakarta

Oleh :
Eka Oktaviana Desy Kusumarini - R0312073 - Fak. Kedokteran

Latar Belakang: Angka kejadian keputihan karena IUD sebesar 0,15% dari seluruh pengguna IUD secara nasional. Akseptor KB IUD di RSUD Surakarta pada tahun 2014 sebesar 96,5%. Peran bidan diperlukan untuk mencegah komplikasi lanjut.
Tujuan: Untuk mempelajari dan memahami asuhan kebidanan pada kasus akseptor IUD dengan keputihan secara komprehensif.
Metode: Observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek penelitian Ny. R akseptor IUD dengan keputihan. Tempat: RSUD Surakarta. Cara pengambilan data melalui wawancara, observasi, pemeriksaan dan studi dokumen rekam medik. Analisis data secara deskriptif berdasarkan 7 langkah Varney dan data perkembangan menggunakan SOAP.
Hasil: Dilakukan penatalaksanaan dan pengawasan selama 13 hari. Setelah pemberian terapi antibiotik, antiseptik dan roboransia, keputihan klien berhenti, tidak terjadi komplikasi berupa infeksi, dan klien tetap menggunakan KB IUD. Terdapat kesenjangan yaitu tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan laboratorium.
Kesimpulan: Ny. R P1A1 akseptor KB IUD dengan keputihan mendapat terapi antibiotik, antiseptik, roboransia dan pengawasan selama 13 hari. Keputihan berhenti, ibu tidak mengalami infeksi, dan tetap menggunakan IUD. Tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan laboratorium.
Kata Kunci: Asuhan Kebidanan, KB IUD, Keputihan
Background: The incidence rate of leucorrhea due to IUD use is 0.15% out of the total national IUD users. The acceptors of IUD contraceptives of the Family Planning Program at Local General Hospital of Surakarta regency in 2014 were 96.5%. The role of midwives sis required to prevent advanced complications.
Objective: The objective of this research is to study and understand the midwifery care on the acceptor of IUD contraceptive with leucorrhea comprehensively.
Method: This research used the observational descriptive research method with the case study approach. The subject of the research was Mrs.R acceptor of IUD contraceptive with leucorrhea. The research was conducted at Local General Hospital of Surakarta regency. The data of the research were gathered through in-depth interview, direct observation, physical examination, and content analysis on the medical record. The data were analyzed descriptively based on the seven measures claimed by Varney with development data of SOAP notes.
Result: Following the midwifery management and supervision for thirteen days and the administration of therapy of antibiotic, antiseptic and roboransia, the leucorrhea experienced by the client stops, there is not any infection complication, and client still uses the IUD contraceptive. However, there is a gap between the theory and the practice that the laboratory examination are not done.
Conclusion: Mrs. R P1A1 acceptor of the IUD contraceptive with leucorrhea gets antibiotic, antiseptic, roboransia and supervision for thirteen days. As a result, the leucorrhea stops, the mother does not experience infection and keeps using the IUD contraceptive. The laboratory examinations are not done.
Keywords: Family planning midwifery care, IUD acceptor, Leucorrhea