

Pengembangan Modul IPA Terpadu Berbasis SETS pada Tema Makanan Sehat dan Tubuhku untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar

Oleh :
Isfi Muzari - S831308022 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mendeskripsikan karakteristik modul IPA
Terpadu berbasis SETS pada tema makanan sehat dan tubuhku untuk
meningkatkan hasil belajar; (2) mengetahui kelayakan modul IPA Terpadu
berbasis SETS pada tema makanan sehat dan tubuhku untuk meningkatkan hasil
belajar; (3) mengetahui efektivitas modul IPA Terpadu berbasis SETS pada tema
makanan sehat dan tubuhku untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar.
Penelitian ini mengacu pada model pengembangan oleh Borg and Gall
yang direduksi menjadi 9 tahap: 1) analisis kebutuhan, 2) perencanaan, 3)
pengembangan produk, 4) uji lapangan awal, 5) revisi produk awal, 6) uji
lapangan utama, 7) revisi produk utama, 8) uji lapangan operasional, 9) revisi
produksi operasional. Subyek pengembangan untuk kelayakan modul divalidasi
oleh ahli media, ahli materi, ahli bahasa dan guru IPA (praktisi). Pengumpulan
data dilakukan dengan angket, lembar observasi, wawancara. Jenis data yang
diperoleh adalah data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Data kualitatif adalah data
tentang hasil observasi, wawancara, serta saran saat validasi dan uji lapangan
terhadap kelayakan modul IPA Terpadu berbasis SETS hasil pengembangan.
Sedangkan data kuantitatif diperoleh dari penilaian hasil validasi modul, penilaian
angket pada uji lapangan awal, uji lapangan utama, uji lapangan operasional, dan
hasil belajar. Efektivitas modul diperoleh dengan menggunakan gain score
ternormalisasi untuk pretest-postest. Sedangkan untuk sikap dan keterampilan
proses dengan membandingkan hasil setiap kegiatan belajar.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) karakteristik produk modul IPA Terpadu
berbasis SETS sebagai berikut: a) berbentuk modul cetak IPA terpadu berbasis
SETS dengan tema makanan sehat dan tubuhku untuk guru dan untuk siswa; b)
materi yang disajikan dikaitkan dengan masalah di sekitar kehidupan siswa yang
sering dijumpai dalam kehidupan, sehingga siswa lebih mudah memahami materi
tersebut; c) penyusunan modul mengacu pada alur pembelajaran SETS; d) modul
berisi keterkaitan unsur SETS yang tertuang dalam bagan-bagan SETS; e) modul
dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran di kelas dan belajar mandiri bagi siswa di
rumah; (2) Kelayakan modul IPA Terpadu berbasis SETS pada tema makanan
sehat dan tubuhku berdasarkan penilaian ahli, praktisi, respon guru dan siswa
memberikan kategori sangat baik dan layak digunakan; (3) produk ini efektif
dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan (gain score = 0,344), sikap (18%) dan
keterampilan (14%).
Kata Kunci: Modul, IPA Terpadu, SETS, Hasil belajar.
The objectives of this research are: (1) to describe the characteristics of SETSbased
Integrated Natural Science module on the theme of Healthy Food and My Body to
improve the achievement; (2) to investigate the feasibility of SETS-based Integrated
Natural Science module on the theme of Healthy Food and My Body to improve the
acievement; and (3) to investigate the effectiveness of SETS-based Integrated Natural
Science module on the theme of Healthy Food and My Body to improve the achievement.
This research used the research and development (R&D) method which referred
to the model claimed by Borg and Gall with some reductions into nine phases, namely:
(1) need analysis, (2) planning, (3) development of product, (4) preliminary field testing,
(5) revision of preliminary product, (6) primary field testing, 7) revision of main product,
(8) operational field testing, and (9) revision of operational product. The subject of
development for the module feasibility was validated by a learning media expert, a
learning material expert, a language expert, and two practitioners (Natural Science
teachers). The data of research were collected through questionnaire, observation sheet,
and in-depth interview. The data obtained were qualitative and quantitative ones. The
former were those of the results of observation, in-depth interview, and suggestion during
the validation and field testing of the feasibility of the developed SETS-based Integrated
Natural Science module, and the latter were obtained from the evaluation of the results of
module validation, the evaluation of questionnaire during the preliminary field testing,
main field testing, and operational field testing, and learning result.. The effectiveness of
the module on the achievement was analyzed by using the normalized N-gain score for
pretest post test, and that of attitudes and skills of process was obtained by comparing the
achievement in each activity.
The results of research are as follows: 1) The characteristics of SETS-based
Integrated Natural Science module on the theme of Healthy Food and My Body include
the following: (a) the developed SETS-based Integrated Natural Science module on the
theme of Healthy Food and My Body is in the printed form; (b) the learning materials
presented are related to the problems surrounding the students’ life so that they can
easily understand them; (c) the module preparation refers to the SETS learning
procedure; (d) the module contains the interrelation of elements of SETS as presented in
the diagrams of SETS; and (e) the developed module can be used for learning activities in
the class and for independent learning at home by the students. 2) In term of feasibility,
the developed SETS-based Integrated Natural Science Module on the theme of Healthy
Food and My Body according to the judgment of the experts and practitioners and the
response of teachers and students belongs to the very good category and is feasible to be
used. 3) The developed product is effective to improve the knowledge as indicated by the
normalized N-gain score of 0.344, attitudes (18%), and skills (14%).
Keywords: Module, integrate Natural Science, SETS, and achievement.