
Asuhan Kebidanan Ibu Bersalin pada Ny. K G2P0A1 dengan Retensio Plasenta di Vk RSUD Sukoharjo

Oleh :
Chintya Musdalifah - R0312066 - Fak. Kedokteran

Latar Belakang : Faktor penyebab kematian ibu di Indonesia pada tahun 2012 salah satunya adalah perdarahan pasca persalinan sebesar 17,22% dimana sebagian besar disebabkan retensio plasenta. Kejadian retensio plasenta di RSUD Sukoharjo tahun 2014 sebesar 1,96 %. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mempelajari dan memahami penatalaksanaan asuhan kebidanan pada ibu bersalin dengan retensio plasenta di RSUD Sukoharjo secara komprehensif.
Metode: Observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus tujuh langkah Varney. Teknik pengambilan data melalui wawancara, observasi langsung dan studi dokumen rekam medik. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif berdasar 7 langkah Varney.
Hasil : Ny. K dengan keluhan ari- arinya belum keluar sejak 30 menit yang lalu. Telah dilakukan tindakan manual plasenta dan pemberian terapi berupa uterotonika injeksi maupun terapi oral, antibiotik profilaksis injeksi, antibiotik terapi oral, dan antianemia. Evaluasi yang dicapai adalah manual plasenta telah berhasil, perdarahan berhenti, kontraksi uterus baik.
Kesimpulan : Ny. K G2P0A1 dengan retensio plasenta telah diberikan tindakan manual plasenta. Perdarahan dalam batas normal dan kontraksi baik. Terdapat kesenjangan yaitu tidak menganjurkan ibu menyusui bayinya untuk merangsang kontraksi uterus.
Kata kunci : Asuhan kebidanan, Ibu bersalin, Retensio plasenta
Background:In 2012,one of the causesof maternal deathinIndonesiawaspostpartum bleedingof17.22% whichis largely due toretained placenta.The percentage of placenta retention incidence at the Local General Hospital of Sukoharjo in 2014 was 1.96 %. The objective of this research is to study and understand the management of midwifery care on a mother giving birth with placenta retention at  the Local General Hospital of Sukoharjo comprehensively.
Method:This research used the observational descriptive research method with the case study approach. The data of research were collected through in-depth interview, direct observation, and content analysis of medical record. They were descriptively analyzed by using Varney’s Seven Steps.
Result: Mrs. K complained that the placenta had not come out since 30 minutes following the childbirth. Manual intervention was done to discharge the placenta. The client was given uterotonikainjection and oral therapy, antibiotic prophylaxis injection, antibiotic oral therapy, and antianemia. The result of evaluation showed that the manual intervention to discharge the palcenta was successful, the bleeding stopped, and the uterine contrations were good.
Conclusion: Mrs. K G2P0A1 with placenta retention was exposed to manual prevention to discharge the placenta. The bleeding was within normal limit, and the contractions were good. A gap was found that the mother was not suggested breastfeed her infant so as to stimulate the uterine contractions.
Keywords:  Midwifery care, a mother giving birth, placenta retention