

Pengembangan Modul Protista Berbasis Guided Discovery Disertai Concept Map untuk Memberdayakan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa SMA/MA

Oleh :
Ika Anjar Prasetyaniingrum - S831308062 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Penelitian dan pengembangan modul ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) karakteristik modul protista berbasis guided discovery disertai concept map; 2) prosedur pengembangan modul protista berbasis guided discovery disertai concept map; 3) kelayakan modul protista berbasis guided discovery disertai concept map untuk memberdayakan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa SMA/MA; dan 4) efektifitas modul protista berbasis guided discovery disertai concept map untuk memberdayakan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa SMA/MA.
Penelitian menggunakan model penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) Borg & Gall yang dimodifkasi.Subyek yang digunakan, meliputi: subyek uji coba lapangan tahap awal sejumlah 12 siswa, subyek uji lapangan utama sejumlah 25 siswa dan subyek uji lapangan operasional sejumlah 32 siswa SMANegeriTulakan. Instrumen yang digunakan meliputi: angket, observasi, wawancara dan tes. Uji lapangan operasional menggunakan pretest-postest design. Data kemampuan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar siswa diuji dengan paired sample t-test dan dihitung menggunakan gain skor ternormalisasi.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) karakteristik modul protista berbasis guided discovery disertai concept map, meliputi: aspek kemampuan berpikir kritis (interpretasi, analisis, evaluasi, kesimpulan, penjelasan, pengaturan diri); 2) pengembangan modul protista berbasis guided discoverydisertai concept map menggunakan model penelitian dan pengembangan modifikasi Borg & Gall yang meliputi: penelitian pendahuluan, perencanaan; pengembangan bentuk produk awal, uji coba lapangan tahap awal, revisi produk utama, uji lapanganutama, revisiprodukoperasional, ujilapanganoperasional,revisiproduk akhir; 3) kelayakan modul protista berbasis guided discoverydisertai concept map diperoleh skor rata-rata90,2 denganberkategori “sangat baik”; 4) modul protista berbasis guided discoverydisertai concept map efektif memberdayakan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dengan N-gain score sebesar 0,66 kategori “sedang”.
KataKunci:    protista, guided discovery, concept map, kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa.
This module research and development aimed to find out: 1) the characteristicsofGuided Discovery-Based Protista Module with Concept Map; 2) the development procedure of Guided Discovery-Based Protista Module with Concept Map; 3) the feasibility of Guided Discovery-Based Protista Module with Concept Map to empower the critical thinking ability of Senior High School/Islam Senior High School (SMA/MA) Students; and 4) the effectiveness of Guided Discovery-Based Protista Module with Concept Map to empower the critical thinking ability of (SMA/MA) Students.
This research employed research and development (R&D) method modified by Borg & Gall (Tim Puslitjaknov, 2008: 10-11). The subject employed included: the subject of preliminary field tryout consisting of 12 students, that of primary field test consisting of 25 students and that of operating field test consisting of 32 students of SMA NegeriTulakan. The instruments used were questionnaire, observation, interview and test. The operating field test employed pretest-posttest design. The data of students’ critical thinking ability and learning achievement were tested using paired sample t-test and estimated using normalized score gain.
Considering the result of research, it could be concluded that: 1) the characteristics of Guided Discovery-Based Protista Module with Concept Map included: critical thinking ability aspects (interpretation, analysis, evaluation, conclusion, explanation, self-regulation); 2) the development of Guided Discovery-Based Protista Module with Concept Map was carried out using Borg & Gall’s modified research and development method including: preliminary research, planning; preliminary product form development, preliminary field tryout, primary product revision, primary field test, operating product revision, operating field test, final product revision; 2) the feasibility of Guided Discovery-Based Protista Module with Concept Map obtained mean score of 90.2 with “very good” category; 3) Guided Discovery-Based Protista Module with Concept Map to empower the critical thinking ability of students with N-gain score of 0.66 with “moderate” category.
Keywords: Protista, guided discovery, concept map, students’ critical thinking   ability.