

Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Kepemilikan dan Penjualan Satwa Liar yang Dilindungi di Wilayah Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

Oleh :
Henry Antonius Manalu - S331308006 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuifaktor-faktor yang mempengaruhitidakoptimalnyapenanggulangantindak pidana kepemilikandanpenjualansatwa liar yang dilindungi di wilayahBalaiKonservasiSumberDayaAlamDaerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, danuntukmengetahuiupayayang dilakukanuntukmenanggulangitindak pidana kepemilikandanpenjualansatwa liar yang dilindungi di wilayahBalaiKonservasiSumberDayaAlamDaerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta.
Penelitianinitermasukpenelitian  non-doktrinal, denganbentukpenelitiandiagnostik, yang bersifatdeskriptifdengankonsephukum yang ke-5 yaituhukumadalahmanifestasimakna-maknasimbolikparaperilakusosialsebagaitampakdalaminteraksiantarmereka. Pengumpulan data dilakukandenganstudilapangandanstudikepustakaangunamendapatkan data primer dan data sekunderdandianalisisdenganmenggunakanmotodekualitatif.
Berdasarkanpenelitianinidiperolehhasilbahwafaktor-faktor yang mempengaruhitidakoptimalnyapenanggulangantindak pidana kepemilikandanpenjualansatwa liar yang dilindungi di wilayahBalaiKonservasiSumberDayaAlamDaerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, yaitu: 1) faktorsubstansi (perundang-undangan) meliputi; belummemuatsanksi pidana minimum, PenyidikPegawaiNegeriSipil (PPNS) tidakmemilikikewenanganmenangkapdanmenahan, tidakbisamendatangkanahli, dantidakbisamenyerahkanberkasperkarasecaralangsungkekejaksaan, belumadanyapengaturanmekanisme perlindungan saksi dan pelapormaupunpengaturanterkaitlegal standingkepadalembagaswadayamasayarakat (LSM). 2) faktorstruktur (aparatpenegakhukum) diantaranyajumlahaparatPolisiKehutanandan PPNS relatifsedikit, sarana atau fasilitas yang sangat minim, pengawasan yang kurangbaikdaripimpinan, pendanaan yang minim, pembatasanjangkauanpetugaskehutanankewilayahkepabeanan (pelabuhandanbandara). 3) faktorbudayameliputi: integritas sebagian aparat internal kehutanan masih rendah sehingga berdampak pada penurunan kualitasdanproduktivitas kerja di lapangan, tingkat kesadaran masyarakat terhadap kelestarianjenissatwadilindungimasih rendah yang dipicuolehhobi,  prestise/kebanggaan tersendirisebagiankalanganmasyarakatkelasmenengah dan atas dalammemilikisatwalangka, adanyapergeseran nilai-nilaikearifan lokal kearah budaya pragmatis/instan, dankurangnya sosialisasi konservasisumberdayaalamkepadamasyarakat.
Upaya yang dilakukan untuk menanggulangi tindak pidana kepemilikan dan penjualan satwa liar yang dilindungi di wilayah Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta adalah 1)penerapan dengan hukum pidana/represifdengan cara menindak pelaku kejahatan satwa sesuai ketentuan perundang-undangan 2) pencegahan tanpa pidana/preventifdengancarapatroli rutinketempat-tempatrawan, penjagaan intensifdi pintu akses pelabuhan, bandara dan terminal, kampanye dan penyuluhan masyarakat,pengembangan manajemen informasi dan pangkalan data, danfasilitasikegiatanpenangkaransatwa liar dilindungi.
Implikasidaripenelitianiniadalahapabila upaya penanggulanganterhadap tindak pidana kepemilikan dan penjualan satwa liar yang dilindungi di wilayah Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta tidak dapat dilaksanakan secara optimal maka aktivitas illegal terhadap satwa liar yang dilindungi akan terus berlangsung yang pada akhirnya akan mengancam kelestarian satwa liar di alam dan bahkan berakibat pada terjadinya kepunahan.
Kata kunci: Penanggulangan, KepemilikandanPenjualanSatwa, Konservasi.
This research is aimed to investigate among related factors that have been not effective in overcoming and stopping the illegal ownership and trading off the conserved wildlife and to come up with better solutions to overcome and stop the illegal acts of ownership and trading off the conserved wildlife at the Jakarta Natural Resources Conservation Center.
This is a non-doctrinal research in the frame of diagnostic research using descriptive method, which is the fifth concept of law, which to say that law is the manifestation of symbolic meanings portrayed in social behavior through interactions in communities. Data accumulation is done based on field research and supported by the references used. Both data accumulation methods are done in the purpose of getting primary and secondary data then all data analysis are executed by using the qualitative method.
This research has shown reasons to the unsuccessful actions of overcoming and stopping the illegal ownership and trading off the conserved wildlife at The Jakarta Natural Resources Conservation Center, here are some of the factors: 1) The rule and regulation has not included the punishments to the criminals, The Civil Servant Investigator does not have the power and authority to arrest and restraint the criminals, neither has the authority to request for the investigator expert, and he cannot report the document to the court, this point also leads to the absence of protections for witness and for persons who report the case also other legal rules related to the legal standing of the Non-profit Organization that is involved in the reported  case.  2) Poor availability and management of Structural factors (this so called as law enforcement agents in the government structure) among which are Police Forest and PPNS (Civil Servant Investigator) that are still very few, poor facilities, less control from the upper top authorities, poor budgeting, policy of limiting the authority of police forest up to the customs lines (seaport and airport), 3) Cultural factors which includes poor ability and low integrity among the forestry staff members, this has caused poor quality performance and low productivity on the field; poor supports from the community due to lack of knowledge and being unaware of national conserved wildlife, poor supports from community is also triggered by hobbies for collecting rare species, prestige by middle to upper class society to keep the endangered animals; change of local wisdoms where people have become more consumptive and materialistic and have embraced new pragmatic or instant culture; and lack of socializing natural conservation to the society.
Steps taken into practice to overcoming and stopping illegal ownership and trading off conserved wildlife at The Jakarta Natural Resources Conservation Center are as follows: 1) Applying the law enforcement and following up closely, punishment given to the criminals based on the rule and regulation applied, 2) routine controls as preventive action to the prospective used locations, intensive watch at the seaport entrance gate, airport and stations, conservation campaign and socialization of the wildlife conservation to the society, developing information management and establishing and managing solid data resources, and facilitating the breeding and multiplying of the endangered species.
Implication of this research is to strengthen the solutions in the steps of overcoming and stopping the illegal actions towards the protected wildlife, comprehensively in the goal of achieving our national wildlife conservation.
Key words: Overcoming and Stopping, Ownership and Animal trading, conservation.