

Pengembangan dan Implementasi Modul Berbasis Numbered Team in Guided Discovery (NTGD) pada Materi Struktur Tumbuhan dan Pemanfaatannya dalam Teknologi Di SMPN 4 Karanganyar

Oleh :
Endang Purwanti - S831302027 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) karakteristik modul berbasis model pembelajaran NTGD; (2) kelayakan modul berbasis model pembelajaran NTGD; (3) keefektifan modul berbasis model pembelajaran NTGD pada materi Struktur Tumbuhan dan Pemanfaatannya dalam Teknologi di SMPN 4 Karanganyar.
Penelitian pengembangan menggunakan metode Research and Development (R & D) mengacu pada model Borg & Gall (1989) yang dimodifikasi meliputi 9 tahapan yaitu: (1) penelitian dan pengumpulan data, yang didasarkan pada pemetaan 8 Standar Nasional Pendidikan, kuesioner guru dan siswa, analisis buku siswa, serta analisis ujian nasional; (2) perencanaan; (3) pengembangan produk awal; (4) uji coba produk awal; (5) revisi produk awal; (6) uji coba terbatas; (7) revisi produk kedua; (8) uji lapangan operasional; (9) revisi produk akhir. Analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dan deskriptif kuantitatif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) modul berbasis model pembelajaran NTGD dengan karakteristik: menggunakan pendekatan saintifik, cakupan kompetensi lulusan meliputi dimensi sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan; 2) hasil uji kelayakan modul berbasis model pembelajaran NTGD berdasarkan penilaian ahli materi memperoleh 100 (sangat baik), ahli perangkat pembelajaran 100 (sangat baik), praktisi pendidikan 89 (baik); 3) keefektifan modul berbasis model pembelajaran NTGD ditunjukkan dengan hasil belajar. Hasil belajar sikap pada kelas modul lebih baik dibanding kelas existing learning, rerata nilai sikap gotong royong kelas modul 93,00, kelas existing learning 74,87; rerata nilai sikap disiplin kelas modul 95,34 kelas existing learning 81,00; rerata nilai sikap teliti kelas modul 92,04 kelas existing learning 78,00; rerata nilai sikap tanggungjawab kelas modul 88,32 kelas existing learning 77,00; dan rerata nilai sikap inovatif kelas modul 85,00 kelas existing learning 75,00. Rerata hasil belajar pengetahuan kelas modul 82,12, di atas KKM (75), kelas existing learning 64,75. Rerata nilai keterampilan kelas modul 99,23 kelas existing learning 79,38. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah modul berbasis model pembelajaran NTGD layak untuk diimplementasikan di sekolah, dan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa.
Kata kunci: modul pembelajaran NTGD, hasil belajar.
The objectives of this research are: (1) to develop the learning module based on NTGD; (2) to investigate the feasibility of the developed learning module based on NTGD; and (3) to investigate the effectiveness of the developed learning module based on NTGD of the learning material of Plant Structures and Their Utilization in Technology at State Junior Secondary School 4 of Karanganyar.
This research used the research and development (R&D) method, referring to the model claimed Borg & Gall (1989) and consisting of nine phases: (1) research and data gathering; (2) planning; (3) development of preliminary form of product; (4) preliminary product field testing; (5) preliminary product revision; (6) limited field testing; (7) second revision of main product; (8) operational field testing; and (9) final product revision. The data of research were analyzed by using the descriptive qualitative and quantitative model of analysis
The results of research are as follows: 1) The developed learning module based on NTGD has the following characteristics: it uses a scientific approach and the coverage of graduates’ competency includes attitude, knowledge, and skill dimensions; 2) The result of feasibility testing of the learning module based on NTGD on the evaluation done by the learning material expert, the expert of learning instrument, and practitioners are 100 (very good), 100 (very good), and 89 (good) respectively; 3) The effectiveness of the learning module base on NTGD is indicated by the students’s achievement. The students’s achievement in the attitude aspect of the module class is better than that of the existing learning class: the average score in mutual cooperation attitude of the module class is 93.00 whereas that of the existing learning class is 74.87; the average score in disciplined attitude of the module class is 95.34 whereas that of the existing learning class is 81.00; the average score in conscientious attitude of the module class is 92.04 whereas that of the existing learning class is 78.00; the average score in responsible attitude of the module class is 88.32 whereas that of the existing class is 77.00; and the average score in innovative attitude of the module class is 85.00 whereas that of the existing lerning class is 75.00. The average score of the students’s achievement in the knowledge aspect of the module class is 82.12, which is greater than the minimal learning completeness criterion of 75, whereas that of the existing learning class is 64.75. The average score of the students’s achievement in the skill aspect of the module class is 99.23 whereas that of the existing learning class is 79.38. The conclution of research that learning module based on NTGD is feasible to applied at school and effective to increase students’s achievement.
Keywords: The Learning module Based on NTGD; students’s achievement.