

Pengembangan dan Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Guided Discovery Dipadu dengan Numbered Head Together pada Materi Struktur Tumbuhan dan Pemanfaatannya dalam Teknologi di SMPN 4 Karangayar

Oleh :
Rizki Permata Yusniawati - S831302067 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Tujuan penelitian yaitu: 1) mengetahui karakteristik model pembelajaran guided discovery yang dipadu dengan NHT, 2) mengetahui kelayakan model pembelajaran guided discovery yang dipadu dengan NHT, 3) mengetahui efektifitas model pembelajaran guided discovery yang dipadu dengan NHT pada materi struktur tumbuhan dan pemanfaatannya dalam teknologi di SMPN 4 Karangayar. Pengembangan model pembelajaran guided discovery yang dipadu dengan NHT mengacu pada model research and developmen (R&D) dari Borg and Gall meliputi langkah-langkah: 1) penelitian dan pengumpulan data, 2) perencanaan, 3) pengembangan produk, 4) uji coba produk awal, 5) revisi produk I, 6) uji coba lapangan, 7) revisi produk II, 8) uji coba lapangan operasional, 9) revisi produk akhir, 10) disemenasi. Pada penelitian ini hanya dilakukan sembilan tahapan dari sepuluh tahapan R&D sebagai keterbatasan penelitian. Analisis hasil penelitian menggunakan dua teknik yaitu deskriptif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian meliputi: 1) hasil pengembangan model pembelajaran paduan antara guided discovery dengan NHT yaitu model Numbered Team in Guided Discovery (NTGD). Model NTGD memiliki lima unsur utama model pembelajaran yaitu adanya sintak, sistem sosial, sistem pendukung, peran guru dan siswa, dampak instruksional dan dampak pengiring. Sintak NTGD meliputi tahap Nomori, Amati, Pertayaan, Kumpulkan, Tim diskusi, Luaskan, dan Simpulkan (NAPAKTILAS), 2) hasil pengembangan berupa model NTGD disertai dengan perangkat pembelajaran, LKS, dan materi ajar layak digunakan. Kelayakan model pembelajaran NTGD berdasarkan penilaian dari ahli model memperoleh 73,33 dengan kategori baik, ahli perangkat memperoleh 86,11 dengan kategori sangat baik, LKS memperoleh 98,21 dengan kategori sangat baik, materi ajar memperoleh 97 dengan kategori sangat baik dan penilaian praktisi untuk model pembelajaran memperoleh 95 dengan kategori sangat baik, perangkat memperoleh 83,33 dengan kategori sangat baik, LKS memperoleh 75 dengan kategori baik, materi ajar memperoleh 82 dengan kategori baik, 3) model Numbered Team in Guided Discovery (NTGD) efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Keefektifan model ditunjukkan oleh perbedaan yang signifikan dari rerata hasil belajar antara kelas penerapan model NTGD lebih baik dibanding kelas existing lerning. Perbedaan hasil belajar kelas model pada ranah afektif dalam sikap bekerjasama, teliti, disiplin, tanggungjawab dan inovatif lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kelas existing lerning; hasil belajar ranah kognitif pada kelas implementasi model NTGD memperoleh 79,36 dan kelas existing learning64,75; ranah psikomotor kelas implementasi model memperoleh 95,96 dan kelas existing learning79,36.
Kata kunci: guided discovery, NHT, Numbered Team Guided in Discovery, research and development, hasil belajar
The objectives of this research are: (1) to know the characteristic of the guided discovery learning model integrated with the NHT learning model; (2) to investigate the feasibility of the guided discovery learning model integrated with the NHT learning model; and (3) to investigate the effectiveness of the guided discovery learning model integrated with the NHT learning model on the learning material of Plant Structure and Its utilization in Technology at State Junior Secondary School 4 of Karanganyar.
The development of the guided discovery learning model integrated with the NHT learning model referred to the research and development model claimed by Borg and Gall, which included the following phases, namely: (1) research and data collecting, (2) planning, (3) development of product (4) preliminary product testing, (5) product revision I, (6) field testing, (7) product revision II, (8) operational field testing, (9) final product revision, and (10) dissemination. However, in this research only nine phases out of the ten phases were used due to the research limitation.
The results of research are as follows: 1) The result of the integrated learning model development between the guided discovery and the NHT is NTGD model. The NTGD has five elements, namely: syntax, social system, supporting system, the role of teachers and students, instructional effects, and nurturant effects. The syntax includes Nomori, Amati, Pertayaan, Kumpulkan, Tim diskusi, Luaskan, dan Simpulkan (NAPAKTILAS). 2) The result of development is an integrated learning model product of Numbered Team Guided Discovery (NTGD) model accompanied with learning instruments, student’s worksheet, and learning material. The NTGD learning model is feasible to implemented as indicated by the scores of testing; the learning model expert gives the score of 73.33 which belongs to the good category, the learning instrument expert gives the score of 86.11 which belongs to the very good category, the student’s work sheet obtains the score of 98.21 which belongs to the very good category, and the learning material obtains the score of 97 which belongs to the very good category. In addition, the practitioners give the score of 95, which belongs to the very good category to the learning model, the learning instruments obtain the score of 83.33 which belongs to the very good category, the student’s work sheets obtain the score of 75 which belongs to the good category, and the learning material obtains the score of 82 which belongs to the good category. 3) The NTGD is effective to improve the learning result of students as indicated by the significant differences of the average scores of the learning result between the learning model class and the existing learning class in which the scores of the model class on the affective domains including cooperative attitude, carefulness, discipline, responsibility, and innovation is better than that of the existing learning class. In the cognitive domain, the learning model class obtains the score of 79.36, and the existing learning class obtains the score of 64.75. In psychomotor domain, the learning model class obtains the score of 95.96, and the existing learning class obtains the score of 79.36
Keywords: Guided discovery, NHT, Numbered Team Guided Discovery, research and development, and learning result