
Asuhan Kebidanan Ibu Nifas pada Ny.K P2A0 Umur 30 Tahun 6 Jam Postpartum dengan Hipertensi di Ponek RSUD Karanganyar

Oleh :
Atika Rakhmahayu - R0312061 - Fak. Kedokteran

Latar Belakang: Angka kematian ibu yang disebabkan oleh hipertensi sebesar 23,95%. Di RSUD Karanganyar kasus nifas dengan hipertensi sebanyak 32 kasus (5,26%).
Tujuan: untuk mempelajari dan memahami asuhan kebidanan pada kasus ibu nifas dengan hipertensi di RSUD Karanganyar secara komprehensif.
Metode: Observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek penelitian adalah Ibu nifas Ny.K P2A0 umur 30 tahun dengan hipertensi. Tempat RSUD Karanganyar. Cara pengambilan data melalui wawancara, observasi langsung, dan studi dokumen rekam medik. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif berdasar 7 langkah Varney dan SOAP.
Hasil: Ny.K P2A0 6 jam postpartum dengan sakit kepala, tekanan darah 150/90 mmHg, dan proteinurin negatif. Dilakukan kolaborasi dengan dokter SpOG untuk pemberian terapi antibiotik, analgesik, vitamin, serta antihipertensi. Setelah perawatan kondisi ibu membaik dan tekanan darah normal. Terdapat kesenjangan antara teori dan praktek yaitu pemeriksaan TTV tidak dilakukan 1 jam sekali dan tidak dilakukan monitoring balance cairan.
Kesimpulan: Setelah dilakukan perawatan selama 3 hari dan 1 kali kunjungan ulang, keadaan umum ibu membaik dan tekanan darah normal.
Keywords: asuhan kebidanan, ibu nifas, hipertensi
Background: The maternal mortality rate caused by hypertension was 23.95%. At the Local General Hospital of Karanganyar, postpartum case with hypertension amounted to 32 cases (5.26%).
Objective: The objective of this case study is to study and understand the midwifery care of the postpartum case with hypertension at the Local General Hospital of Karanganyar comprehensively.
Method: This research used the observational descriptive research with the case study approach. The subject of the research was a 30 year old postpartum mother with hypertension, Mrs. K P2A0. The research location was at the Local General Hospital of Karanganyar. The data were gathered through interview, direct observation, and medical record. The data were analyzed descriptively based on Varney and SOAP.
Result: Mrs. K P2A0, with headache, blood pressure of 150/90 mmHg, and negative urine protein. Collaboration with obstetric and gynecologic specialist was performed to give antibiotic, analgesic, vitamin, and anti-hypertension therapies. After the treatment, the mother's condition got better and her blood pressure was normal. There were some gaps found between theory and the field practice i.e. vital sign observation was not performed every 1 hour and was not carried out monitoring of fluid balance.
Conclusion: After undergoing 3 day treatment, followed by one repeat visit, the mother's general condition got better and her blood pressure was normal.
Keywords: Midwifery care, postpartum mother, hypertension