
Asuhan Kebidanan Gangguan Sistem Reproduksi Wanita pada Ny. N Umur 38 Tahun P4A0 dengan Amenorea Sekunder di RSUD Surakarta

Oleh :
Wahyuningsih - R0312109 - Fak. Kedokteran

Latar Belakang : Prevalensi terjadinya amenorea sekunder di luar kehamilan, menyusui dan menopause adalah 3% – 4%. Di RSUD Surakarta, terdapat 4,7% kasus amenorea sekunder. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami dan mempelajari asuhan kebidanan dengan amenorea sekunder di RSUD Surakarta secara komprehensif.
Metode : Observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subyek penelitian wanita dengan amenorea sekunder. Tempat di RSUD Surakarta. Data diambil melalui wawancara, observasi, pemeriksaan, dan studi rekam medis. Analisis data secara deskriptif berdasar 7 langkah Varney dan SOAP.
Hasil : Ny.N mengeluh tidak menstruasi selama 3 bulan pasca menyusui selama 2 tahun. Hasil USG tidak terdapat kelainan ginekologis. Pasien sedang memiliki hubungan kurang harmonis dengan suami. Penatalaksanaan diberikan prothyra 10mg 1x1 tablet/hari selama 10 hari, pasien belum menstruasi dilanjutkan pemberian prothyra 10mg 1x1 tablet/hari dan lanturol E 200 1x1 tablet/hari selama 10 hari, belum mengalami menstruasi.
Kesimpulan : Ny.N belum mengalami menstruasi sehingga diperlukan penatalaksanaan selanjutnya. Kesenjangan tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan tanda hirsutisme dan pemeriksaan ginekologis, tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan HCG urin, uji prolaktin dan TSH, tidak diberikan estrogen dan progesterone siklik setelah uji progestin.
Kata Kunci    : Asuhan Kebidanan, Gangguan Reproduksi, Amenorea.
Background: The prevalence of the occurrence of secondary amenorrhea beyond the normal time of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause was 3% – 4%. At the Local General Hospital of Surakarta, there was 4.7% case of secondary amenorrhea. The objective of this case study is to study and understand the midwifery care of the secondary amenorrhea at the Local General Hospital of Surakarta comprehensively.
Method: This research used the observational descriptive research with the case study approach. The subject of the research was a woman with secondary amenorrhea. The research location was at the Local General Hospital of Surakarta. The data were gathered through interview, direct observation, and document study of medical record. The data were analyzed descriptively based on the seven measures claimed by Varney and SOAP.
Result: Mrs. N complained of not having her period for 3 months following a two year breastfeeding. The result of USG showed no gynecological disorder. At that time, the patient had an unharmonious relationship with her husband. For the treatment management, she was given prothyra 10mg 1x1 tablet/day for 10 days. Afterwards, when the patient had not had her period yet, she was given prothyra 10mg 1x1 tablet/day and lanturol E 200 1x1 tablet/day for 10 days, but she still had not yet got her period.
Conclusion: Mrs. N still had not yet got her period, so she needed further treatment. The gap was found, for there were no examinations sign of hirsutism and nor gynecology. There were also no examinations of urine HCG level, prolactin nor TSH tests. The patient was also not given cyclic estrogen and progesterone therapy after the progestin test.
Keywords: Midwifery care, reproductive disorder, amenorrhea.