
i Teaching English Grammar to Fifth Grade Students of AlFirdaus Elementary School, Surakarta

Oleh :
Sulistiana Wandansari - C9312058 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

Sulistiana Wandansari, 2015. Teaching English Grammar to Fifth Grade Students of AlFirdaus Elementary School, Surakarta. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UNS.

This final project report was written based on the job training in Al Firdaus elementary school, Surakarta from 9th January 2015 to 18th February 2015. There are three objectives of this final project report: to describe the process of teaching English grammar to fifth grade students, to describe the methods which the writer used to teach English grammar and the last one is to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each English grammar teaching method.
In order to give maximum benefits to the fifth grade students during the job training, the writer organized the steps to teach English grammar to the students, they are: opening, assessment, and closing. The opening is by giving warm introduction to make the atmosphere relaxed and conducive. The main activity is delivering the material. After the material was delivered to the students, the writer gave exercises and assessment to know their understanding about the lesson. Hence, the writer could do a review about the teaching process in the classroom.
In teaching English grammar to young learners the writer applied several methods of teaching language which can be used in teaching English grammar, the methods are: The Grammar Translation Method, Communicative Language Teaching, and The Direct Method. These methods were applied by the writer to make the students catch the material. Besides, the writer also wanted to improve the students’ skills by using those methods. By doing observation when the writer taught English grammar using those methods, the writer also delivered the strengths and weaknesses of each English grammar method used. Each method has its benefit and loss to the students in learning English as a second language.

Keywords: Young learners, Teaching grammar, Methods