
Public Relations Activities in Public Relations and Protocol Office of Surakarta Government

Oleh :
Diatri Anindyaputri - C9311020 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project report is written based on the job training which was done by the writer in the Public Relations and Protocol Office of Surakarta Government from May 5, 2014 and ended on June 30, 2014. The writer used observation, interview, and literature study in the process of collecting data.
The objectives of this final project report are to explain the external public relations activities in Public Relations and Protocol Office of Surakarta Government and to describe the process of the external public relations activities in Public Relations and Protocol Office of Surakarta Government.
The result of this final project shows that there are several activities that are done by Public Relations and Protocol Office of Surakarta Government for each public. For stakeholders, the activities are making news paper clipping and making documentation. For citizens, the activities are doing socialization about the new government rule and issue, managing website http://ppid.surakarta.go.id, and organizing talk show or interactive dialog. For journalist or media, the activities are doing press conference, making press release, and media gathering.
Every external public relations activity also has its own process to do it. Public Relations and Protocol Office of Surakarta Government officers usually do the same thing in each process. The processes which the officers do are fact-finding, planning and action. Fact-finding is done by studying the letter that other institutions or departments sent to the office. Planning is done informally by distributing the tasks that the officers usually do. Action is executed by doing the tasks that are distributed to each of the officer. The officers do not do the evaluation after the activities end so problems can happen again in the future.