
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Beli Followers Akun Influencer (Analisis SEM Tentang Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Beli Followers Akun Twitter @TongkronganSolo)

Oleh :
Primayanti Mukti Ani - D0210088 - Fak. ISIP

Pemanfaatan media sosial khususnya Twitter saat ini bukan hanya sebagai sarana  berkomunikasi, melainkan juga sebagai media untuk keperluan pemasaran. @TongkronganSolo merupakan salah satu dari akun Twitter Influencer yang berfokus di bidang kuliner di Kota Solo. Akun ini banyak digandeng restoran-restoran untuk mempromosikan produk mereka agar menciptakan minat beli di benak para pengikutnya. Penelitian ini penting dilakukan untuk menguji keberlakuan model faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat beli yang secara konseptual dibangun melalui efek komunikasi merek dan user’s experiences. Model ini menjelaskan efek komunikasi merek dan user’s experiences apa saja yang secara strategis perlu diperhatikan atau diprioritaskan oleh akun Influencer pada umumnya dan akun @TongkronganSolo pada khususnya dalam mempengaruhi minat beli followers-nya.
Minat beli merupakan tahap kecenderungan respon bertindak sebelum keputusan membeli benar-benar terjadi. Minat beli dapat dipengaruhi dengan menciptakan kesadaran merek/Awareness (Aaker, 1996), memanfaatkan Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) di media sosial (Jalilvand dan Samiei, 2012), menciptakan Perceived Value (Zeithaml, Valerie A., 1988), Perceived Price (Peter & Olson, 2005), Perceived Quality (Aaker, 1996), membuat kemenarikan promosi (Cannon, et. al., 2008, Shimp, 2003, Kotler, 2005), memanfaatkan Trustworthiness (Chong, Yang, & Wong, 2009), Usage (Farris dkk., 2006), dan Satisfaction (Yamit, 2004).
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada followers akun @TongkronganSolo dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 100. Peneliti meminta bantuan pemilik akun untuk melakukan tweet kuesioner yang disebarkan ke followers-nya. Jumlah tweet  dilakukan sebanyak  4 kali di minggu pertama dan kedua dalam bulan November 2015. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah para followers akun @TongkronganSolo yang mengetahui adanya tweet kuesioner dan bersedia berpartisipasi dalam survey. Metode analisis data menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Hal ini disebabkan pengukuran minat beli melibatkan berbagai atribut indikator yang dianggap relevan mencerminkan setiap aspek yang ingin diukur.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model minat beli fit dengan nilai RMSEA 0,025 dan P-Value 0,23112. Artinya, model ini dapat menjelaskan tentang pengaruh secara stimulan faktor Awareness, Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM), Perceived Value, Perceived Price, Perceived Quality, Promotion, Trustworthiness, Usage, Satisfaction terhadap minat beli dan dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi untuk penelitian sejenis tentang model faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat beli. Faktor Promotion, Perceived Quality, dan Perceived Price memiliki kontribusi paling tinggi atau pengaruh paling besar terhadap minat beli dengan koefisien masing-masing (1,01), (0,98), dan (0,53). Sementara indikator dengan kontribusi positif paling besar secara berturut-turut adalah perceived quality, (0,8376) perceived price (0,4530), dan promosi dengan foto (0,3435). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa influencer atau buzzer perlu menciptakan kemenarikan promosi melalui visualisasi yang menarik dan terus konsisten mereferensikan produk  yang berkualitas baik dengan harga yang dapat dijangkau oleh followers-nya.
Kata kunci: Social Media, Awareness, Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM), Perceived Value, Perceived Price, Perceived Quality, Promotion, Trustworthiness, Usage, Satisfaction, Minat Beli.
The use of social media especially Twitter today is not only for communication,  but it is also used as a medium for marketing purposes. @TongkronganSolo is one of the Influencer Twitter account which focused on culinary in Solo. This account is used many restaurants to promote their products. This research is important to testing applicability of the model’s factors that influence the purchase intention that conceptually built through the effect of brand communication and user's experiences. This model explains the effect of brand communication and user's experiences which strategically prioritized and need attention by Influencers account in general and in @TongkronganSolo in particular to influence followers purchase intention.
Purchase Intention is a step before the actual purchase is really happen. Purchase intention may be affected by creating brand awareness (Aaker, 1996), utilizing the Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) in social media (Jalilvand and Samiei, 2012), created the Perceived Value (Zeithaml, Valerie A., 1988), perceived Price (Peter & Olson, 2005), perceived Quality (Aaker, 1996), makes the attractiveness of the promotion (Cannon, et. al., 2008, Shimp, 2003, Kotler, 2005), utilizing trustworthiness (Chong, Yang, & Wong, 2009), Usage (Farris et al., 2006), and Satisfaction (Yamit, 2004).
This research was carried out on @TongkronganSolo’s followers with the 100 respondents. Researchers using an online questionnaire linked to @TongkronganSolo’s tweet. Total tweets are 4 times in the first and second week in November. Respondents in this study were the followers that knowing the tweet questionnaire and willing to participate in the survey. The data is analyzed with Structural Equational Modelling (SEM) method. This is caused the measurement of purchase intention involving various attributes considered relevant indicators that reflect every aspect to be measured.
The results showed that the model of purchase intention is  fit with RMSEA value 0.025 and P-Value 0.23112. That means, this model can explain the influence of stimulants factors Awareness, Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM), Perceived Value, Perceived Price, Perceived Quality, Promotion, trustworthiness, Usage, Satisfaction on purchase intention and can be used as a reference for similar studies on the model of the factors that influence the purchase intention. Factors Promotion, Perceived Quality and Perceived Price has contributed the highest or most influence on purchase intention with the coefficient respectively (1.01), (0.98) and (0.53). While the indicator with the greatest positive contribution is perceived quality (0.8376), perceived price (0.4530), and the promotion of the photo (0.3435). This indicates that the influencers or buzzer need to create the attractiveness promotion through visualization interesting and consistently refer good quality product with price that can be reached by his followers.
Keyword: Social Media, Social Media, Awareness, Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM), Perceived Value, Perceived Price, Perceived Quality, Promotion, Trustworthiness, Usage, Satisfaction, Purchase Intention.