
Penerapan Strategi Public Relations di Departemen Marketing Communication (Marcomm) Solo Grand Mall

Oleh :
Elly Widyasworo - F3212030 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Solo Grand Mall merupakan mall pertama di Solo sebagai salah satu penyedia jasa property dengan konsep mall mixed trade center yaitu antara mall dan pusat perdagangan. Konsep mall tersebut telah membawa Solo Grand Mall sebagai icon mall Jawa Tengah saat ini. Meskipun dmikian Solo Grand Mall harus lebih jelas mengkomunikasikan image yang diharapkan melekat pada konsumen sebagai One Stop Shopping Family Entertainment And Recreations. Disinilah peran public relations melalui kegiatan-kegiatannya untuk dapat mewujudkan image perusahaan sebagai pusat perbelanjaan sekaligus tempat hiburan dan rekreasi keluarga.
Tujuan dari penelitian dalam tugas akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan strategi public relations di Solo Grand Mall. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus yang dilakukan untuk menjawab permasalahan yang dikemukakan dalam rumusan masalah. Berdasarkan semua kegiatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan Public Relations sudah efektif terbukti dengan kebutuhan masyarakat, maka akan mudah bagi solo grand mall dalam mempertahankan image perusahaan sebagai One Stop Shopping, Family Entertainment, and Recreations.
Meskipun dalam pelaksanaanya kegiatan public relations di Solo Grand Mall juga menemui hambatan-hambatan yang dapat menguarangi efektifitas. Hambatan-hambatan tersebut berasal dari pihak eksternal maupun internal perusahaan, antara lain dengan keterbatasan masyarakat yang menggunakan media publikasi dalam mengiklankan atau mempromosikan kegiatan apa yang akan dilaksanakan di Solo Grand Mall. Namun Departemen Marcomm selalu dapat menyelesaikan hambatan tersebut dengan memaksimalkan media promosi antara lain melalui media sosial, MMT, TV Lokal maupun koran lokal.
Kata kunci: public relations, one stop shopping family enternainment and recreations
Solo Grand Mall is the first mall in Solo as one of the providers of property services with the concept of mixed trade center mall which is between the mall and trade center. The mall concept has brought Solo Grand Mall as mall icon in Central Java. Nevertheless Solo Grand Mall should be more clearly communicate the expected image attached to the consumer as a One Stop Shopping Family Entertainment And Recreations. Here, the role of public relations through its activities in order to realize the image of the company as a shopping center and a place of entertainment and family recreation.
The aim of the research in this thesis is to find out how the application of public relations strategy in Solo Grand Mall. The method used in this research was using a case study approach is taken to address issues raised in the formulation of the problem. Based on all the activities it can be concluded that the activities of the Public relations has been proven effective with the needs of the community, then it will be easy for a solo grand mall in maintaining the company's image as a One Stop Shopping, Family Entertainment, and Recreations.
Although the implementation of public relations activities in Solo Grand Mall also encountered obstacles that may reduce effectiveness. These constraints derived (Uri party external and internal companies, among others, by the limitations of the public who use the media to advertise or promote the publication of what activities will be implemented in Solo Grand Mall. However, the Ministry Marcomm always able to resolve these obstacles to maximize the promotional media, among others, through social media, MMT, local TV and local newspapers.
Keywords : public relations, One Stop Shopping Family Entertainment And Recreations