
KARATON SURAKARTA: Modal Budaya dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Lokal dalam Pengembangan "Ethnic Tourism" Surakarta

Oleh :
Titis Srimuda Pitana - 196806091994021001 - Fak. Teknik

Conceming the govemment's policy on cultural tourism in
Surakafta, Karaton Surakafta, as a cultural capital which is rich
with haritage nfeq needs to be commodified in such a way that
it can serue as a commodity with high use-value and exchangevalue
in the trade confexfs for the sake of sustainable tourism.
The commodification of the cultwal heritage in tourism industry,
which demands the roles of govemment and nongovemment
agents, should be supported with understanding of the tangible
and intangible values of the heitage rites. The local govemment
of Surakafta, as one of the management agents, should be able
to employ the thrae phases of sustainable tourism development:
i.e. preseruing heritage, living within heritage, and marketing
Key words.' Karaton Surakarta, ethnic tourism, heritage