
Hubungan Kepercayaan diri dengan Kecemasan Berbicara di Depan Umum pada Mahasiswa Diploma IV Bidan Pendidik UNS

Oleh :
Prafista Wulan Sari - R1114088 - Fak. Kedokteran

Latar Belakang: Komunikasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan, meskipun demikian sebagian orang mengalami kesulitan untuk mengungkapkan apa yang hendak di informasikan. Hasil studi pendahuluan 15 mahasiswa, 12 (80%) cemas berbicara di depan umum karena kurang percaya diri dan 3 (20%) merasa cemas berbicara di depan umum karena takut kurang menguasai bahan yang akan disampaikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahmengetahui hubungan kepercayaan diri dengan kecemasan berbicara di depan umum pada mahasiswa D IV Bidan Pendidik Fakultas Kedokteran UNS. Metode Penelitian: Survei analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik sampling menggunakan simple random sampling dengan subjek penelitian 102 mahasiswi. Alat ukur menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis uji statistik menggunakan Chi Square. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan responden dengan tingkat kepercayaan diri tinggi 53 orang (52%), kepercayaan diri rendah 49 orang (48%) dan kecemasan berbicara di depan umum tinggi sejumlah 49 (48%), kecemasan berbicara di depan umum rendah sejumlah 53 orang (52%). Hasilujistatistik padanilai p=000 (P<0,05). Simpulan: Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat kepercayaan diri dengan tingkat kecemasan dalam berbicara di depan umum. Kata Kunci : Kepercayaan diri, Kecemasan Berbicara di Depan Umum  
Background: Communication very important in life, but some people encounter some difficulties to express what is to inform. A preliminary research to 15 students of the Study Program of Diploma IV in Midwife Educator, the Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University shows that 12 (80%) had public speaking anxiety due to less self-confidence, 3 (20%) felt anxious to talk in front of public due to the fear not to master the material of talk to deliver. Objective: To investigate the correlation between the self-confidence and the public speaking anxiety of the students of Diploma IV in Midwife Educator, the Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University. Method: This research used the survey research method with the cross sectional approach. The samples of research were taken by using the simple random sampling technique and consisted of 102 female students. The data or research were collected through questionnaire and statistically analyzed by using the Chi Square Test. Result: 53 respondents (52%) have a high self-confidence and 49 (48%) had a low self-confidence. In addition, 49 (48%) of the respondents had a high public speaking anxiety, and 53 (52%) had a low public speaking anxiety as indicated by the p-value = 0.000 (P<0.5). Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between the self-confidence and the public speaking anxiety. Keywords: Self-confidence, public speaking anxiety