
Penerapan Model Team Games Tournament (TGT) Dengan Media Visual Dalam Peningkatan Pembelajaran IPS Pada Siswa Kelas V SDN 1 Jatisari Tahun Ajaran 2014/ 2015

Oleh :
Iin Widyanti - K7111087 - Fak. KIP

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah penerapan model Team Games Tournament (TGT) dengan media visual dalam peningkatan pembelajaran IPS; (2) mengetahui penerapan model Team Games Tournament (TGT) dengan media visual dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran IPS; (3) mendeskripsikan kendala dan solusi penerapan model Team Games Tournament (TGT) dengan media visual dalam peningkatan pembelajaran IPS.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas kolaboratif yang dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari dua pertemuan yang meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SDN 1 Jatisari yang berjumlah 26 siswa. Sumber data berasal dari guru, siswa, teman sejawat dan dokumen. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Validitas data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik pengumpulan data.  
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) langkah-langkah penerapan model Team Games Tournament (TGT) dengan media visual yaitu presentasi kelas menggunakan media visual, belajar tim dengan memanfaatkan media visual, games/ turnamen, rekognisi tim; (2)  penerapan model Team Games Tournament (TGT) dengan media visual dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran IPS pada siswa kelas V SD. Peningkatan proses pembelajaran IPS dari 67,31% pada siklus I menjadi 83,57% pada siklus II, dan meningkat lagi menjadi 92,31% pada siklus III, sedangkan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dari pretest 19,23% meningkat menjadi 69,23% pada siklus I, 85,84% pada siklus II, dan 96,15% pada siklus III (3) kendala yang ditemui dalam penerapan model Team Games Tournament (TGT) dengan media visual yaitu siswa kurang fokus memperhatikan penjelasan guru, siswa tidak berdiskusi dengan baik sehingga diskusi tidak selesai tepat waktu, dan siswa kurang tertib ketika  melaksanakan turnamen. Sedangkan solusi yaitu menfokuskan perhatian siswa dan menegur siswa agar memperhatikan, memotivasi siswa agar berdiskusi dengan baik dan lebih memperhatikan alokasi waktu, memantau jalannya turnamen secara menyeluruh dan menegur siswa yang tidak tertib.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah penerapan model Team Games Tournament (TGT) dengan media visual yang dilaksanakan dengan langkah yang tepat dapat meningkatkan  pembelajaran IPS pada siswa kelas V SDN 1 Jatisari tahun ajaran 2014/2015.

Kata kunci: Team Games Tournament, media visual, pembelajaran IPS 

The objectives of this study are: (1) to describe the steps of the application of Team Games Tournament (TGT) model with visual media in improving the teaching learning process of Social Science, (2) to know whether the application of Team Games Tournament (TGT) model with visual media can improve the teaching learning process of Social Science, and (3) to describe problems and solutions of the application of Team Games Tournament (TGT) model with visual media in improving the teaching learning process of Social Science.
This study is categorized as a collaborative classroom action research conducted within three cycles. Every cycle consisted of two meetings including planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subject of the study were 26 fifth grade students of SDN 1 Jatisari. The sources of the data were from teacher, students, colleagues and documents. The data collection techniques were tests, observation, interviews and documentation. The validity of the data was proved using triangulation of sources and triangulation of data collection techniques.
The results of the study show that: (1) the steps of the application of Team Games Tournament (TGT) model with visual media were as follow: class presentation using visual media, group learning by utilizing visual media, games/tournament, team recognition; (2) the application of Team Games Tournament (TGT) model with visual media can improve the teaching learning process of Social Science for the fifth grade students. The improvement of the teaching learning process was from 67.31% in cycle I to 83.57% in cycle II, and 92.31% in cycle III while the improvement of the students’ achievement was from 19.23% in pretest to 69.23% in cycle I, 85.84%  in cycle II, and 96.15% in cycle III; (3) The problems found in the application of Team Games Tournament (TGT) model with visual media were the students did not focus on the teacher’s explanation, the students did not do the discussion appropriately so the discussion was not finished on time and the students were not orderly in doing the tournament. The solutions were focused the students’ attention on the explanation and warned the students to pay attention, motivated the students to do the discussion appropriately and pay attention to the time allocation, monitored the whole tournament and warn the students who were not orderly.  
The conclusion of the study is the application of Team Games Tournament (TGT) model with visual media implemented in appropriate steps can improve the teaching learning process of Social Science for the fifth grade students of SDN 1 Jatisari in the academic year of 2014/2015.

Keyword:  Team Games Tournament, visual media, the teaching learning process of social science