
Pengaruh pemakaian sarung tangan terhadap penurunan kejadian dermatitis kontak alergi pada pekerja pengolahan biji mete di Wonogiri

Oleh :
Septiana Retno Wulandari - R0209051 - Fak. Kedokteran

Metode : Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah tenaga kerja bagian ceklok berjumlah 30 orang dengan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji analisis Chi Square.

Hasil : Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa ada pengaruh pemakaian sarung tangan terhadap penurunan kejadian dermatitis kontak alergi pada pekerja pengolahan biji mete di Wonogiri dengan nilai p = 0,017.

Simpulan : Ada pengaruh pemakaian sarung tangan terhadap penurunan kejadian dermatitis kontak alergi pada pekerja pengolahan biji mete di Wonogiri.

Background: Cashew nut sap potentially results in health disorder in the workers particularly allergic contact dermatitis or disease in the workers. From the preliminary survey, some information is obtained that the workers consisting of women complain the allergic contact dermatitis with the following symptoms: itchiness, poignant, pain on the hand skin surface and red spot on the skin. Majority workers complaining itchiness, poignant on their hand surface are not wearing glove.

Methods: The type of study employed was an analytical observational one using cross sectional approach. The sample in this research was ceklok division’s workers consisting of 30 persons, taken using purposive sampling technique. The data analysis used was Chi Square analysis test.

Results: Considering the result of research it could be found that there was an effect of glove wearing on the reduction of allergic contact dermatitis incidence in the cashew nut processing workers in Wonogiri with p-value = 0.017.

Conclusion: Giving detergent MSDS information affect the level of knowledge
and doesn’t affect awareness in wearing rubber gloves.