

Model pembelajaran student teams-achievement division (stad) disertai modul dan media animasi berbasis komputer ditinjau dari gaya belajar siswa

Oleh :
Nur Ashari Maliki - - Sekolah Pascasarjana

This purpose of this research are to find out : (1) the difference between student who are learning using modul and computer animation in STAD scheme. (2) the difference of students’ between those that have visual and kynestetics learning style. (3) the difference between students’ learning that have a high learning style and the low learning style. (4) the interaction between the teaching media and learning style of student achievement. (5) the interaction between the teaching media and students’ learning style level of student achievement. (6) the interaction between students’ learning style and the level students’ learning of student achievement. (7) the interaction between the teaching media, learning style and students’ learning style level of student achievement. So, it can be concluded that : (1) there is difference between the students learning that use the modul and the animation media. (2) there is no difference between the students learning of those use the visual learning style and those who use the cynestetics learning style. (3) there is the difference of the learning between students that have high level of learning style and students that have low level of learning style. (4) there is interaction between teaching media and learning style. (5) there is no interactionh between teaching media and the level of learning students. (6) there is no interaction between style in learning and the level of students’ learning. (7) there is no interaction between the teaching media, style in learning and the level of students’ learning style.