Oleh :
Kristiana Tiwik Yayianti - C1312010 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
AN ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE USED IN COSMETIC ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE INTERNET (A SOCIOLINGUISTICS STUDY) Kristiana Tiwik Yayianti1 Prof. Dr. M. Sri Samiati T2 ABSTRACT This research is intended to analyze the use of Figurative Language in Cosmetic Advertisements which are found in the Internet. The objectives of the research are to find out the types of figurative language used in cosmetic advertisements in internet, to analyze the functions of figurative language used in cosmetic advertisements and to analyze the factors of using the figurative language in cosmetic advertisements which are found in Internet. The approach employed in the research is Sociolinguistics approach. It uses descriptive research and purposive sampling technique. The sources of the data are women’s cosmetic advertisements containing figurative language taken from internet from 21st May 2014 – 29th June 2014 with different websites of each advertisement. The research shows that there are three findings. First, there are 7 types of figurative language employed in the headline and body copy of the advertisements. They are Hyperbole, Antithesis, Parallelism, Personification, Simile, Metaphor and Repetition. Second, each type of figurative language employed in the advertisements has its own functions. Third, the analysis reveals that there are three factors which motivate advertisers to use figurative language in their advertisements. The factors are to grab consumers’ attention, to change consumers’ behavior, and to aid memory. This research is expected to be beneficial for the students, the advertisers and the other researchers. It can be used as an additional reference for studying language and creating advertisements text that is considered to be efficient and effective for attracting and encouraging readers to use the products and services. Moreover, the results of this research are hopefully used as a reference for those who are interested in analyzing figurative language, especially the ones in cosmetic advertisement. _______________________ 1Student of English Department/NIM C1312010 2Thesis Supervisor