

The Educational Management And Development Of An English Course ( A Case Study At “Basic English Course” In Kampung Inggris, Pare, Kediri )

Oleh :
Dhian Seputro - S891208013 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


DhianSeputro.  ?The Educational Management and Development of an English
Course: A Case Study at Basic English Course (BEC) in Kampung Inggris Pare
Kediri.”Thesis, English Education Department, Graduate School, Sebelas Maret
University. 2015 Consultant I: Prof. Dr. JokoNurkamto, M. Pd., Consultant II.
Dra. Diah Kristina, M.A,Ph.D.
This study mainly focuses on investigating the implementation of
educational management in Basic English Course Pare Kediri and identifying
towhat extentthe educational management in Basic English Course Pare Kediri
makes Basic English Course Pare Kediri still exist and develop.
It was a qualitative study in the form of descriptive case study. The data
were obtained using several techniques including observation, interview and
document analysis. Data analysis technique used in this research was an
interactive analysis technique. It consisted of three main components: (a) data
reduction; (b) data analysis; and (c) conclusion drawing or verification which was
developed by Miles and Huberman in Sutopo (2006).  
The findings of this study showed that the implementation of educational
management in Basic English Course including (a) the implementation of
curriculum management, (b) the implementation of tutors and administrative
staffs management (c) the implementation of students management (d) the
implementation of facilities and infrastructure management, (e) the
implementation public relation management, and (f) the implementation of
financial management ran well. The implementation of educational management
in Basic English Course was regarded well because it implemented the four
functions of management: planning, organizing, directing and controlling.
Secondly, the educational management implemented in Basic English Course
gave good contribution in developing the course. It could be seen from some facts
as follow: (a) the number of students, programs, learning material in Basic
English Course increases because the implementation of curriculum management,
tutors and administrative staffs management, students management, facilities and
infrastructure management, public relation management makes the alumni have
reliable English language skills and they can be accepted by the society, (b) the
implementation of good financial management makesBasic English Course have
saved enough fund for future physical or facilities development. In conclusion,
Basic English Course can develop well because of good implementation of its
educational management.